The passion for computing gadgets and computer hardware has made so many wonder about possible careers in computer-related courses they should pursue in the university or which will suit them most. To some, the question, “what can I do with a computer design degree” has eaten them up and they keep searching for the best possible answers.

If you have encountered any of these worries, then here comes the answers to your questions as we put down in detail all you need to know about a computer design degree.

What is computer Design?

Simply put, computer design could be said to be the art of making or creating a computer system. It is the process of bringing together the core vital organs of the computer, that is, the hardware and the software and organizing them to give a completely working computing system. It involves creating and organizing a functional computer system.

What is Computer Design Degree?       

A computer design degree is a certification that prepares you to utilize computer graphics, develop and execute programs as well as develop media. It demands utmost concentration and maximum attention to achieve this feat.

A degree in computer design prepares one to take on virtual projects to create animation (cartoons) web platforms such as web design, hosting etc.

What do Computer Designers Do?

Computer designers are those who create and develop computer systems and also secure these computer systems for customers. They work day-in-day-out ensuring that security systems and firewalls are designed to monitor customers’ computer systems. Computer Designers also give customers and clients guides on how to use these computer systems to produce effective results.

They also act as modifiers to existing software (computer programs) to ensure they meet the consumer demands and specifications. They are developers and programmers.

What is required to become a Computer Designer?

If you have decided to get a computer design degree, and have seen it as the best thing to put in your time and money, then you need to know what is required to become a computer designer. The demand for skilled professionals who are capable of holding the tech industries are high and getting a computer design degree is the way to hold the grip of these opportunities.

As earlier stated, a computer design degree is a certification for professionalism. Hence, it is pertinent to get a diploma or a degree to get started. Getting a diploma is a better route to getting an associate degree which is a prerequisite to becoming a computer designer or computer design professional.

Obtainable Degrees in Computer Design

Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in graphic design, software engineering, computer engineering, Cloud computing, multimedia languages, system development and related field is a good way to start. To further improve your knowledge and competency, acquiring a Master’s degree or PhD will become inevitable. Nevertheless, these certifications are optional but important. This is because they give you an opportunity for in-depth research and analysis which are not the same as a bachelor’s degree. You will also be equipped with comprehensive knowledge of most aspects of computer design.

What courses will you complete to major in computer design?

When studying to major in computer design, you will be prompted to pass some credit loads in the following courses. These courses include, but are not limited to:

  • Media writing/Drawing
  • Computer Art
  • 2D Design/Computer graphics
  • Still imaging
  • Graphic communication
  • Programming Concepts
  • Project management.

With specialties in any of the following tracks:

  • Animation
  • Computer architecture
  • Cyber security
  • Electrophysics
  • Print media
  • Software Engineering
  • Web design etc

The tracks determine the elective courses.

What are the Possible Careers for Computer Design Majors?

A computer designer invariably does not lack options and as such, they are direly needed. Getting a degree in computer design will help one pursue a career or position in any of the following fields or career paths:

  1. Desktop Publishing
  2. Multimedia animation
  3. Graphic Designing
  4. Database management
  5. Product Designing
  6. Technical Writing
  7. University professor

1. Desktop Publishing

A career in desktop publishing will expose one to document creation. Some of the documents include book covers, newspapers, newsletters, complementary/business cards, gift cards, almanacs, business proposals etc. A desktop publisher also engages in graphics, especially for magazine or book publication.

Good communication skill in both spoken and written expressions of the English language is a bonus to a person with a computer design degree with specialty in desktop publishing. Time management is also necessary as the work of a desktop publisher demands delivery in due time.

Technology has gone a long way to simplify the stress encountered in desktop publishing as the availability of publishing tools such as Adobe PageMaker, MS Publisher, CorelDraw, Adobe InDesign which make it easier to bring together images, texts, numerals, charts and illustrations have been developed. This is why desktop publishing as a Possible Careers for Computer Design Majors has garnered so many interests and many have ventured into it.

Apart from the availability of aiding tools for desktop publishers, the annual salary is also encouraging. Most Desktop publishers earn as much as $55,000 or more yearly.

2. Multimedia Animation

These computer design professionals are responsible for the animations in movies, video games, televisions etc… They are not just animator makers but are also critical thinkers who make things happen. Their jobs include creating 2D or 3D animations and visuals that make movies and other video-related programs entertaining.

They create inanimate objects (cartoons) which are designed to act like human beings – they speak, dance, clap and do virtually all the things human beings can do. They also create the levels/stages in video games and the layout of these games as well. To create a project, the multimedia animators come together with each person working on a particular task in other to achieve a specific goal.

One good thing about multimedia animation is that the animators’ presence is not mostly required. This means they can work from the comfort of their homes and make a living. It does not involve the usual 8:00-17:00 hours input as seen in most professions. There may be a need to put in extra hours if there are many workloads that need to be completed. The multimedia animator does not only use computers, he works with storyboards as well. This differentiates him from the usual graphic designer.

The average annual pay of multimedia animators ranges between $44,000 and $70,000. In some cases, they earn up to $4,000 or more weekly.

3. Graphic Designer

One advantage of a computer design degree is the possibility of working as a graphic designer. The graphic designer passes information across to readers through creating wonderful graphics by means of colour, shapes and space. He portrays creativity in a unique fashion. Graphic designing is quite a vast choice as it is a combination of techniques to create a design. These techniques include writing and editing, directing and marketing, etc.

Having a good background in Photoshop, CorelDraw and MS excel is a plus in majoring in graphic design. These elements are used to create feelings of attraction, information and excitement and enable customers’ satisfaction. The graphic designer engages in the creation of brand logos, posters, web images, posters and flyers, brochures, book covers and magazines.

A graphic designer may choose to specialize in any of these options below and develop himself in that area while earning to foot his bills.

  • Advertising/Marketing Designing
  • Web Graphics
  • Publications/Awareness Designing
  • Packaging Graphics
  • Environmental and
  • Motion Graphic design etc.

Just like most professional or computer design degree holders, the graphic designer may also choose to work from home. The yearly salary can be within $55,000 and above.

4. Database Management

Database management is online and offline storing, categorizing, organizing and retrieving of stored data from a computer system network. This is another means of survival and one of the Possible Careers for Computer Design Majors. A database manager can work for any organization, company, government or parastatals.

The services of a database manager are required mostly in all organizations, especially financial institutions, revenue services, passport (immigration) offices, licencing and salary units. Their duties are to develop and manage the database of these institutions.

A database manager earns a minimum of $90,000 annually.

5. Product Designing

The ability of a product to sell depends on the design of the product. As a saying goes, “how you dress is how you are addressed”, this is simply the summary of the work of the product designer. For a product to sell, it has to appease the buyer, hence makers of products lookout for a professional product designer to hire.

The product designer develops the layout of a product by a combination of artistic and engineering knowledge thereby, making marketable, durable and affordable product labels. His work does not stop at these, as he also makes use of proper colour combinations to pass messages across to consumers of these products.

This field of computer design is so important because it has everything to do with product marketing and advertisement. A product designer can earn as much as $65,000 or more yearly.

6. Technical Writing

Writing reports, product descriptions, product reviews and other documents such as proposals, spreadsheets, CVs, application letters etc. is one thing that can never stop. At least not soon. This is why technical writing is as important as oxygen and getting a career in technical writing won’t be a bad idea.

The spread of information online has improved rapidly, especially in the 21st century and this doesn’t seem to be declining soon. Hence, the need for more writers is increasing. Writers of peer review journals are in high demand.

Publications on laboratory experiments, product design and user manuals are needed to guide new users on product management and safety precautions. For these reasons, scientific papers are used by researchers in related fields as reference materials to carry out analysis in other to publish their findings too in review journals, magazines and product description blogs.

Writing about answers and explaining in detail about products, how they work and the different parts of such products is also necessary. These are contained in the user manuals of such products. It is the duty of technical writers to produce the contents of these user manuals and as such choosing technical writing as one of the Possible Careers for Computer Design Majors isn’t that bad.

Another aspect of technical writing is the writing of assembly manuals to guide users on how to mount/assemble new products that are packed in different cases. To achieve this, the use of pictures and numbers are used to guide customers, especially where there is no product care/service personnel.

In most cases, the salaries of technical writers vary, owing to the company or establishment they work for. They can as well work on individual capacity and earn a living. On a contract basis, one contract successfully executed by a technical writer can land him/her over a million dollars. But on average, technical writers earn as much as $70,000 yearly.

7. University Professor

This is one of the Possible Careers for Computer Design Majors which requires more academic qualifications to take. Usually, a minimum of a Master’s degree in a computer-related field is required to lecture in the college or university. Hence, choosing this career path requires serious attention and devotion to academic exercises.

With a computer design degree, you can go a step or two steps forward to acquire a master’s or PhD to lecture in the university. Their services are required to train more students and make them computer design professionals as well.

Just like any other professor, the computer design professor earns up to $50,000 at least yearly.

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