How To Master The Art Of Public Speaking

Many public speakers who are known for their persuasiveness have all used The Art of Public Speaking to pass their messages across to their listeners and readers. This singular act has existed since the origin of public speaking and still make waves today in public speaking. As time went on, people have paid much need attention to public speaking than reading.

While some who cannot speak publicly have been given tips to overcome their fear of public speaking, those who have excelled have done so by mastering the art of public speaking. For this reason, we have found it necessary to put down this post to help those who still do not know how to master the art of public speaking.

How To Master The Art Of Public Speaking

At some points in life, be it growing up or as an adult, what people said to you may have gotten to you and gave you reasons to retract. The statement may not be derogatory though, but challenging and spurred you to sit down and have a rethink. To this effect, your way of thinking, acting, feeling or understanding got transformed.

Interestingly, not only you have encountered this. Most people even nations have seen or encountered such scenarios at encountering successful leaders or whom others called motivational speakers who know their onus in public speaking. These motivational speakers have mastered the art of public speaking that whenever they speak, people tremble to listen to them.

To become really good at expressing yourself publicly requires some important preparations. Hence there is nothing to cherish more than overcoming your fear of speaking in public.

Useful Tips To Master The Art Of Public Speaking

Becoming more persuasive in convincing other people (potential customers/clients) to buy from you or to win an argument is one benefit of knowing how to speak publicly. Below are some useful tips that will help you master the art of public speaking.

  1. Choose a Subject Before Hand

The first thing to be done in the art of public speaking is to choose a subject you care about. Most times, it is advised that you choose a topic that has an excessive impact on you. This way you can talk about the topic out of your personal experience. In the same vein, you believe that the topic will have the much-neded impact on your audience.

If you feel the need to talk about a particular topic that you know will benefit your audience, then start with little examples. For instance, let us assume you want to talk about the Effects of War on a Country, you can start with little examples like the effects of malice in a family. Then gradually blow up the central topic you want to treat. This is because you can tell how forward or backwards a family can be drawn when everybody is not at peace with each other.

You can refer to your own experience in your family or office as a case study, thereby drawing their attention. From what you learned from the experience, you feel they can also learn how to curb the challenges if the minor steps you followed were to be followed.

  1. Be Passionate/Emotional About the Subject.

Many public/motivational speakers who have made waves in public speaking agree with me on this point. The reason is that you cannot express perfectly what you don’t feel. According to Brian Tracy on this issue, he said: “the key to eloquence is the emotional component that the speaker brings to the subject”.

He also recommends the book Eloquence in Public Speaking – Kenneth McFarland. According to him, the book shaped and moulded his path in public speaking. Being passionate about a given subject encourages you to make necessary research about the particular topic and hence prepares you to deliver a mouthwatering speech when called upon.

On this note, even a thousand and one classes in public speaking won’t make any reasonable impact on your listeners. Speaking from your heart makes you drive your message home to your audience even when you don’t know the right words to use. The more reason why most uneducated speakers are listened to more than the educated ones is that they are passionate about their subject matter. This way, they send their messages across heavily to their audience.

  1. Preparation

This is the major tool to master the art of public speaking. This is a vital element of public speaking and nothing else is more important than this, maybe being passionate about the subject matter. Preparation not only demands reading to understand the subject matter, but it also encompasses paying attention to the words and knowing other words to substitute them.

In public speaking, people spend weeks and months preparing for a speech. Especially when it is a completely strange topic. Practice they say makes perfect. It is advisable to know the synonyms of the words you speak should in case your audience fail to comprehend you, you switch words. By doing this, they will really know that you understand the subject matter you are talking about.

Enormous preparation precedes speaking effortlessly and compassionately. In other to achieve this, state what wish to achieve after the speech explicitly. This lies in understanding your audience and what impact you wish to make on them through your speech.


The art of public speaking is worth every effort put in place to learn. You cannot overemphasize the impact it can have on you if you truly master it. No matter the cost – money, time, inconveniences or whatever be the cost, pay it! No matter your career path, learn it. It will definitely come in handy as you climb the rungs on the ladder of your career. It is one decision you will never regret.

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