Best Colleges You Can Easily Transfer Into

Have you been looking for the list of the best colleges you can easily transfer into? Here are the easiest colleges you can transfer into without much hassle. Before we get to list the best transfer schools with high acceptance rates, let us discuss a few things you need to know before you begin to process your transfer. College transfer is common amongst students in the United States and beyond.

Why Do Students Transfer To Other Colleges?

The reasons for which students choose to transfer from one college to another are numerous. It is at times thought that students transfer to other colleges mostly for financial reasons. This assertion is not true in most cases as college transfer could be necessitated for other reasons.

6 Reasons Why Students Transfer To Other Colleges

Here are 6 reasons why students transfer to other colleges different from where they started.

  1. Proximity

This, to me, is the major reason why most students change colleges. The need to visit home at times necessitates students to transfer from one college to another. Apart from the need to visit home often, most students may choose to start going to school from home. This happens mostly when there are quality colleges around their homes. They will opt to do a transfer into the nearby colleges in order to stay close to home.

  1. Financial Reasons

This is assumed another important reason why students seek transfer to the easiest colleges to transfer into. When the cost of tuition or cost of living is hiked in their current schools, students look to seek resorts for the best alternatives. This is a challenge facing most students, especially those who are not on scholarships or financial aid.

  1. Better Option

This is a good reason to transfer or change the original college of studies. Students decide to transfer to other colleges when they discover that the college they enrolled in initially is not the best fit for them. In this case, they may discover that the course curriculum does not suit their aspirations, hence there is a need to change college. Students who also wish to study for the best courses that guarantee jobs after graduation may also deem it fit to change college. This is another common reason why students transfer to other colleges.

  1. Performance Level

Another reason why students will choose to transfer to other colleges is this. A student who feels he is not doing well for one reason or the other may choose to transfer into another college to enhance his performance. How students who transfer credit for an introductory-level course perform in a subsequent intermediate-level course has been reported on ResearchGate. These students who transfer may get into other colleges with higher or lesser standards compared to where they are coming from.

  1. Change Of Major

Students who got enrolled to study a particular course may along the line fallout with their initial choice. This is definitely going to cause a change of major or even a change of school to pursue his dream course. International students opt for The Top Courses to Study in Canada for International Students to get jobs quickly. This reason also answers the question, Why Do Students Transfer To Other Colleges?

  1. Inability To Adapt With The College

This is another challenge, students face on new college campuses. To fit in socially is one factor that plays a major role in the student’s suitability for a particular school. When the student sees that he doesn’t fit in socially with the college, a transfer is the only thing that comes to mind. Hence the inability to adapt to the college is a good reason to seek transfer to other colleges.

These top the reasons Why Students Transfer To Other Colleges. Apart from these 6 reasons Why Students Transfer To Other Colleges other factors may prompt inter-college transfer. Whatever be the reason for the inter-college transfer of students, it does not need to be difficult or tiring for students to successfully transfer into other colleges. This post is made to ensure that the students do not find the transfer process cumbersome.

How Often Do Students Transfer To Other Schools/Colleges

There is no reliable data to ascertain the rate at which students transfer to other colleges from their current schools. It has been reported from different sources that students transfer more often when one or more difficulties are encountered and they lack what is required to face these difficulties. Looking at how often students transfer to other colleges/schools, you have to see some of the points highlighted above as the reasons why students transfer to other colleges.

In 2021, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center reported that of those who began postsecondary education at a community college in fall 2014, lower-income students were half as likely as their higher-income peers to have transferred to a four-year institution (24% vs. 40%) and to have attained a bachelor’s degree (10% vs. 21%) within six years of first entry. These gaps by income group reflect no changes from the previous cohort year.

Why Is It Difficult To Transfer Into Some Colleges?

The requirements to transfer into some colleges make it difficult for college students to transfer into these colleges. However, some colleges are less difficult to transfer into and we have listed them as the easiest top schools to transfer into. Some of the difficulties encountered during transfer into these schools are based on their minimum requirements. Another reason why it is difficult to transfer into some colleges is due to their grade requirements.

The less difficult to transfer into colleges have minimal reservations for high grades and require few documents. Those with high standards and zero tolerance for mediocrity are seen as the difficult colleges to transfer into. This is why it is difficult to transfer to some colleges.

What Do Colleges Look Out For In Transfer Applicants?

When an applicant sends a transfer application to colleges, there are a few things the colleges look out for on the applicant’s resume. To answer the question, what do colleges look out for, in transfer applicants, you have to bear in mind the particular school in question. This way, you can figure out what your intending school of study are looking for. This will help your application not to get rejected.  For your transfer into the school to turn out positive, here are a few things most colleges look out for in transfer applicants.

  • Employment while attending school
  • Involvement in campus organizations and community service
  • Family responsibilities
  • A return to school where early grades are not indicative of strong academic performance
  • Military service
  • Other opportunities or challenges that may have shaped your educational experiences

What Are The Requirements To Successfully Transfer Into Another College?

What is required to transfer into a particular school may be quite different from what another school requires. But generally, some requirements are essential to successfully transfer into most colleges. A list of criteria must be met by the applicant who wishes to transfer to another college. These criteria are what are the requirements to successfully transfer into another college.

Apart from the requirements from the intended college, the school where the applicant is currently studying (that is the mother college) must meet some requirements. On top of the list of these requirements for the current college is accreditation. The accreditation of the mother college must is necessary for the applicant to be accepted into the new college. This is because it certifies that the current school is eligible to run the particular program.

College Transfer Requirements

The following are must possess to be able to transfer into most colleges. For you to come out successful during the admission review process, you must possess;

  • A strong academic performance and preparation. This will enhance your competitiveness.
  • The minimum of 3.5 GPA on a scale of 5.0 and as well as completed all major preparatory courses or at least most.

These are the prerequisite criteria. Others include:

  • The applicant must have completed 60 semesters or 90 quarter transferable units by the end of the spring term before he/she transfers.
  • You must have a minimum of 3.2 GPA in transferable courses.
  • Completing two transferable courses in English (English composition or critical thinking writing)
  • You must have completed one transferable math course that has a prerequisite of intermediate algebra or higher.
  • Completion of four transferable college courses in at least two of the following subject areas: arts and humanities, social and behavioural sciences, and physical and biological sciences.
  • Progress toward completion of major preparation requirements by spring before transfer.

NB: When there are no specific prerequisites for a given major, students must demonstrate an interest in the academic study by completing coursework related to the major.

How To Transfer Easily Into Other Colleges

To transfer to other colleges, here are a few things you must note and put in check. In this section, let us give you a detailed explanation of how to easily transfer into other colleges. Here are a few tips on How to Transfer Easily To Other Colleges. These guides will equip you and make your inter-college transfer easier.

Knowing about the best colleges you can easily transfer into is one thing, another thing is knowing how to easily transfer into these colleges. To facilitate your transfer speedily, you have to follow these guides.

  1. Make Research About The School

You need to learn about the school/college you wish to transfer into. This will give you an edge in making the right choice. Apart from this, you will also learn about their transfer policies, academic quality, size of the school, transfer application fees, acceptance rate and fees and so on. This information is made available on the school’s official websites or if the college is close by, you can visit in person to learn more.

Another reason why you need to make research about the school is to learn about how credits are transferred. Confirm from your current college and also consult your prospective college to know about the number of transferable credits. This will also help you to know which credits will count in your major.

  1. Prepare Your Application

You have to make adequate preparation before you start applying because the processes for transfer applications are quite different from those of first-time applications. Look out for the application deadline and the required documents and get them ready. Your transfer application documents include:

  • Transcript of academic records (official or unofficial).
  • Recommendation letters (you can get this from your professors, especially those that know your academic and moral standings very well).
  • Statement of purpose (in this will be required to state the purpose of transfer).

All these documents are also essential for getting fully funded scholarships abroad.

NB: If you have the plans to transfer someday, ensure you start making your grades count. Good grades make it easier to transfer.

  1. Get In Touch With Your Academic Advisor

The need for an academic advisor or academic counsellor when looking to change college cannot be overemphasized. His works in the process include clearing your doubts and giving you the best advice towards choosing the best school to transfer into. You get to ask questions that regard the transfer process and get properly informed as well.

He will equally advise you on the best ways to transfer college credits. You will also learn how to fill the important forms. Another good reason to consult your advisor is to help you get the required documents such as transcripts ready. A well-informed advisor will also make the transfer agreements between your current school and the intended schools available for you. This will enable you to make concise selections easily.

  1. Read Available Articulation Agreement Between The Schools

After you have gotten the agreement letters from your academic advisor, it is now time to read them and understand it. The articulation agreement is a tool that simplifies inter-college transfer processes for students. This enables the students to know if their current college has any subsisting agreement with their potential school.

  1. Check Available Scholarships/Financial Aid Options

The need for this is to ease financial burdens on you. Find available financial aids for transfer students or your major in your potential college. This way, you get to know the best options that fit your budget.

  1. Ensure You Fill Out The Necessary Forms Correctly

This is another way to ensure that your transfer request does not get rejected. Go through the application forms thoroughly and make possible edits before final submission. Ensure you choose your major correctly, write/type your name correctly. Where there is something you don’t understand, consult your counsellor.

List Of Easiest Colleges To Transfer Into

These are some of the colleges and universities with the easiest transfer possibilities. Students who seek to transfer from one college to another see these colleges as the easiest colleges to transfer into because they accept transfer students regularly.

  1. University of California
  2. Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
  3. University of Georgia
  4. Evergreen State College
  5. Boston University
  6. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  7. Washington & Jefferson College
  8. University of Tennessee
  9. University of Illinois
  10. The University of Wyoming
  11. University of Oklahoma
  12. University of Florida

#1. University of California

Best Colleges You Can Easily Transfer Into - University of CaliforniaWith so many campuses located in different places, the University of California stands out on the List Of Easiest Colleges To Transfer Into. The different campuses make it easier for students from across the globe to easily transfer into any of their choices. There is also the availability of candidates to transfer to-and-fro sister schools of the University of California.

Transfer applicants are equipped with transfer admission advising sessions. This is a 15-minute program where they get help to know which UC school to choose.

Visit the  TRANSFER APPLICATION PORTAL to learn more about the transfer process.

#2. Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Best Colleges- Olin College of Engineering

The Olin College of Engineering was established to the narrative of engineering education by employing technical innovations. Passion and innovation are the major focus of the college thereby bringing to bare the needs of the society for the students. This is what motivates and inspires students to become more creative in their activities.

The rate at which transfer applicants are admitted is roughly 100% this is because applications are reviewed individually rather than in a group.

Visit the TRANSFER PORTAL to learn more.

#3. University of Georgia

Another college on the list of the easiest college to transfer to is the University of Georgia. With over 70% acceptance rate, decisions bothering on transfer admission are made based on the available space. The tendency to get accepted is very high as long as you meet the transfer requirements.

Evaluation is done based on college-level performance as college-level work indicates whether the student is ready or not.

Visit the TRANSFER APPLICATION PORTAL to learn about eligibility, requirement and also APPLY

#4. Evergreen State College

The Evergreen State College has a generous credit transfer policy that enables students at whatever academic level to join. With a flexible curriculum that suits the needs of the students, transfer applicants are protected. It also provides the students with a learning environment that supports them to thrive academically and socially. All of these are what make the Evergreen State College one of the easiest colleges to transfer into. And an ideal choice.

Go to the OFFICIAL TRANSFER PORTAL to learn more about how to apply and the application procedures.

#5. Boston University

Boston University boasts as one of the best colleges you can easily transfer into. This is because it welcomes more than 700 transfer students yearly. Interesting! Isn’t it? The school has numerous methods of familiarizing with transfer students. It ensures that they have adequate programs to suit your demand and also make your stay worth it.

Transfer students who have completed the equivalent of a United States Secondary School education and have completed at least one full-time semester with not less than 12 credits are welcome to apply to Boston University.

Follow the link to Learn More about the TRANSFER APPLICATION

#6. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Just like Boston University, Rensselaer accepts students who have completed the equivalent of the US high school and have finished one full-time semester with 12 credits or more. All programs except the accelerated medical program are available for transfer students to apply.

With over 200 transfer students on their list, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute admission is highly competitive.

To learn More Visit theTRANSFER PORTAL

#7. Washington & Jefferson College

The one special thing that makes the W$J college one of the best colleges you can easily transfer into is their outstanding care for transfer students. Talking about provision for professional readiness and development, advising and mentoring, and outstanding teaching, the W&J college is the best place for you.

Washington & Jefferson College has more than 60 programs for transfer students. This makes it possible for a large number of transfer students to be accepted. Transfer students also enjoy the same merit-based scholarships available for freshmen.

Visit the  TRANSFER APPLICATION PORTAL to learn more about the transfer process.

#8. University of Tennessee

The University of Tennessee is another college that enables transfer students to change universities easily. It ranks highly on the list as a result of the high rate at which it accepts transfer students. The acceptance rate is roughly over 90%.

All parts of the transfer student’s academic records are considered during the admission review process. This ensures that the student is not screened out due to error. The process is transparent as all transferrable grades are what determine whether the applicant will be accepted or not.

Visit the TRANSFER PORTAL to learn more.

#9. University of Illinois

How Often Do Students Transfer To Other Schools/Colleges

Based on the requirements for transfer application at the University of Illinois, applicants are advised to pay attention to the course and GPA requirements. The university is one of the foremost universities that accept transfer students. It also gives them the enabling environment to succeed in a new school without much hassle.

For every enquiry about the transfer process and requirements, please visit the School’s TRANSFER APPLICATION PORTAL

#10. University of Wyoming

My Right Rib - University Of Wyoming

The University of Wyoming has over 80 programs and majors for transfer students to choose from. This way, applicants are guaranteed of getting admitted into the university. With the flexible design of the undergraduate program, the students get close interaction with lecturers.

With a team ready to answer your questions about the transfer process, the University of Wyoming saves you stress and time and equally gives you every assistance you need to successfully apply and get admitted.

Go to the OFFICIAL TRANSFER PORTAL to learn more about how to apply and the application procedures.

#11. University of Oklahoma

myrightrib - University of Oklahoma

The University of Oklahoma welcomes transfer students with open arms. Transfer students are admitted to bringing in their various perspectives. Students who wish to be admitted to the University of Oklahoma must have completed an equivalent of the US high school and have finished one full-time semester with 7 non-remedial credits.

Visit the TRANSFER PORTAL to learn more about the transfer requirements.

#12. University of Florida

Easy Transfer Colleges - my Right Rib

This is the last on our list of the best college you can easily transfer into but not the least. Transfer students’ admission into the University of Florida is determined by the college the student is applying to and the major too.

Applicants with at least 60 transfer credits from accredited universities are welcomed. With over 50% acceptance rate, the University of Florida is such you can transfer into with ease. Transfer students who maintain a GPA of at least 3.5 in their first year receive access to scholarships.

Learn more about the University of Florida transfer policy from their OFFICIAL TRANSFER WEBSITE.

List Of Schools With The Most Transfer Students

Below is the list of schools with the highest number of transfer students and the number of students enrolled as of the 2020 session according to the US News.

Name of School Number of Students
University of Maryland Global campus 9513
California State University Northridge 6727
Florida International University 6517
University of Central Florida 6478
Liberty University 5420
National University 5223
University of Texas at Arlington 5201
California State University – Fullerton 4867
University of Houston 4614
Arizona State University 4508


With difficulties encountered in the process of transfer, students who wish to transfer to other colleges seek to know the colleges with a very high acceptance rate for them. The ones listed above are the ones with a high rate of acceptance you can choose from.

In this post, we have not only listed the easiest colleges to transfer into, but we also listed the 6 reasons why students transfer to other colleges. Following the tips on how to transfer easily into other colleges promptly will also enhance your chances of admission.

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