List Of Menial Jobs You Can Do In Australia As A Student.

Surviving  as a student in abroad is never easy and as such, we have compiled list of menial jobs in Australia an International Student can engage on while studying in Australia

Menial Jobs in Australia

Australia is the largest country in Oceania and the world’s sixth-largest country by total area. It is a highly developed country, with the world’s 14th-largest economy that generates its income from various sources including mining-related exports, telecommunications, banking, and manufacturing.

The country is a sought after education destination for international students as a result of its great number of fields and specialization. However, some international students find it difficult to cope with their tuition fees and cost of living. Hence they look for menial jobs to do while studying.

One of the advantages of studying in Australia is that you can study and work to pay for your stay, thanks to student visa.

In fact, it’s pretty easy to find jobs for students in Australia. You can combine your study with 20 hours a week of work during school hours and 40 hours during the semester breaks like winter and summer holidays.

The minimum wage in Australia as of 2019 is $19.40 AUD per hour, although more can be achieved in many jobs and cities. Other than just earning cash, there are lots of great benefits to a part-time job.

You’ll have an opportunity to practice English if it’s your second language, you’ll acquire invaluable experience which may be needed in your future career, and your colleagues may turn out to be great friends of yours. Below are some of the best menial jobs in Australia to work while studying in Australia.

  1. Barista or Waiter

In other to work as a Waiter or Barista, you will need a fairly good level of English as you’ll have to communicate with the clients. But the level of English needed depends on the worksite. Some will demand more level while others will demand less level.

For instance, there are some restaurants with different ranges of waiters as those who serve drinks or meals are different from those who take note of your orders in that restaurant.

Hence, if your role is that of serving drinks, they can demand less level of English than if you have to communicate directly with customers like taking their orders. The same happens if you get a job as a dishwasher or kitchen assistant, the level of English demanded is usually less.

This type of work usually pay salaries of over $20 AUD per hour. Note that to work as a barista you will need a certificate, as it is usually demanded from people who work with alcohol in Australia.

  1. Cleaner is one of the Menial Jobs in Australia for Students

In Australia, working as a cleaner is a good option for students because it is a well-paying job and the schedules are usually flexible. Work as a cleaner is also one of the list of menial jobs you can do in Australia as a student that is easily accessible since it requires a very little level of English.

You can work as a cleaner in cleaning companies, private homes, hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. You can also work as a cleaner independently by creating portals where people will be able to find you and request for your services.

The salary of working as a cleaner depends on the place or the company you are working for but it is usually between $20 and $25 AUD per hour.

  1. Delivery Man

Working as a delivery man requires driving skills (of either a car, truck, motorcycle, or sometimes bicycle) and driving license. This type of menial job in Australia usually requires you to have spent some time in the city where you are going to work and to be able to handle yourself well in English.

Salaries as a delivery man usually range from $18 AUD to $25 AUD depending on the place and nature of the work. Motorcycle and truck/car delivery are more common. However, bicycle delivery for short distances is also very popular in some cities.

  1. Au pair Job

An au pair is a helper from a foreign country that works for a particular family and live as part of the family. They take on a share of the family’s responsibility for childcare as well as some housework and receive a monetary allowance for personal use.

The primary duties of an au pair is taking care of the children and entertaining them. To work as an au pair as part of menial jobs in Australia, a certain level of English, the Blue Card and, normally, work experience with children will be required from you.

The salary is usually around $200 to $300 AUD per week. Some families may need extra requirements, such as having a driver’s license or having a hand with household chores.

  1. Work as a Freelancer

If you have a business idea, then you may find it easy to develop it in Australia. You can register as a freelancer with your student visa and you will not have to pay a minimum fee as you would in Spain or other countries. All you have to do is to sign up and then you can start working.

So, if you dedicate yourself to programming, marketing, physiotherapy, crafts and other topics, you can generate your own work.

You can also consider turning your hobby into a money-maker. Some ideas include:

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  • Gardening: For those with a green thumb there are likely a good amount of people in your local area who could use your services in their garden. You could offer lawn mowing, weeding, pruning, hedge trimming, gutter cleaning and even basic landscaping services.
  • Child care: For those who are great with kids, a good number of parents require babysitters. So, maybe a regular babysitting gig could help pay the bills.
  • Dog walking: For Dog lovers, you can take the dogs of those in your neighborhood for a walk every day for a small fee.
  1. Lifeguard

Lifeguards are rescuers who supervise the safety and rescue of swimmers, surfers, and other water sports participants in a swimming pool, water park, spa, beach or river. One of the requirements for working as a lifeguard as a menial job in Australia is a certification from the Australian government.

In Australia, lifeguard jobs are developed in stages. In the first stage, you get to work as a lifeguard in swimming pools and afterwards you can move to stages with larger bodies of water.

As you continue to move up the stages, you improve on the professional scale. It is a qualified work that requires a medium/high level of English.7.

  1. Work as a Spanish teacher

Working as a Spanish teacher in Australia can either be done autonomously by searching for your own students or heteronomously by working for language centers and even for the Instituto Cervantes. It is a qualified work that requires medium/high level of English. 

  1. Receptionist

Working as a receptionist involves answering the phone, booking appointments, welcoming of clients and performing basic administrative duties. It’s an excellent menial job in Australia for a student. Lots of useful skills are usually acquired from this job.

Being a receptionist requires you to be friendly, well-presented, very organized and professional. In Australia, so many industries from small businesses like dentists to huge corporations like banks employ receptionists. Hence, opportunities in this area of work are diverse.

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