Applicants are invited to submit applications for a Ph.D. Scholarship in Statistics in the Copenhagen Business School. The scholarship spans for a three year period and scholars who get the scholarship will be associated with the Center of Statistics. Ph.D. students are expected to teach undergraduate and graduate students statistics.

The Ph.D. Scholarship in Statistics in the Copenhagen Business School is an International one and students who are given scholarships will take part in international research conferences and will also have to spend time abroad as visiting Ph.D. students.

The scholars will also take part in departmental research activities such as seminars and conferences. The department of finance has more information if need be. You can also learn more about the Ph.D. program here.

The Ph.D. Scholarship in Statistics in the Copenhagen Business School covers:

  • A Ph.D. scholarship is for a 3 years program with teaching obligations equivalent of ½ year’s work i.e. about 840 hours work.
  • Fully salaried positions
  • Free tuition fees
  • Office space
  • Travel grants plus a salary (starting from approximately €4,075.00/month – €4,965.00/month) including pension contribution which depends on seniority.

NB: The Salary level and appointment are determined by the Finance ministry’s collective agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.

The Ph.D. students will be enrolled at the Ph.D. School in Economics and Management. For more information about the Ph.D. Scholarship in Statistics in the Copenhagen Business School, please visit the official website HERE



To be considered for the Ph.D. Scholarship in Statistics in the Copenhagen Business School, the candidate must:

  • Have a basic training at the Master’s level
  • Have successfully completed the Master’s degree before commencing Ph.D. at CBS (applicants who are close to completion of Master’s degree are also welcome).
  • Be fluent in English
  • Have shown academic excellence with a record of top grades from previously completed programs (Bachelors and Masters).

NB: Candidates with strong quantitative background and training in statistics will be given priority.

Application procedure

The application procedure for Ph.D. Scholarship in Statistics in the Copenhagen Business School are;

  • The application must include a five-page description of the project.
  • The research proposal (with a presentation of an original research question, a description of the initial theoretical framework and methodology, work plan, and empirical materials included).
  • Copies of Master’s degree certificate or its equivalence.
  • Brief CV
  • List of paper publications (if relevant)
  • A copy of selected written work (e.g Master’s thesis)

Scholarship deadline

The closing date is October 15, 2020, at 23:59:59 CET

For more information and guidelines about the Ph.D. Scholarship in Statistics in the Copenhagen Business School, please visit

Please use the online portal to apply.