See Why You Should Study In Canada As An International Student

Why you should study in Canada as an International Student is a ‘must read’ article for aspiring students with the intention to study in Canada

About Canada

Canada consistently ranks as the #1 best country for quality of life. Studying in Canada offers you an internationally recognized education from some of the top academic institutions in the world. Whether you choose to study in one of the big, vibrant cities or settle on a small campus in a warm, welcoming community, your experience will be worthwhile.

This will expose you to four beautiful seasons, wide-open spaces, abundant wildlife, multicultural diversity, clean environment and incredible quality of life.

According to UNESCO Institute of Statistics students begin to consider an international education, their first choices are usually the United States, United Kingdom, France, Australia, and Germany. But, in recent years, one choice has become more prominent which is studying in a Canadian university or college. Canada is recognized worldwide for its outstanding quality of education from elementary school to post-secondary studies.

Combining the great outdoors with great student cities, Canada is among the world’s leading study destinations which welcomes over 572,000 international students. There are over 90 universities in Canada, of which 17 are private.

Canadian universities offer three levels of degree: bachelor’s (four years), master’s (one or two years) and doctorate (three years). Canada has about 150 colleges including community colleges, technical colleges, regional colleges or CÉGEPs (in Québec) which offer short courses and diplomas. The country has a long history of specialized career colleges that prepare students for specific vocations.

Around 26 Canadian universities were featured in the QS World University Rankings® 2019, including three within the global top 50 which are the University of Toronto (28th), McGill University (33rd), and the University of British Columbia (47th).

The academics are highly trained to bring diverse perspectives in the classroom. Two out of every five academics hold at least one international degree, at the university level. Canada boasts of 11 universities among the top 250 universities worldwide, there is no better place to learn.

The ‘warm and friendly’ stereotype about Canadians is quite overwhelming. The country offers a unique culture that embraces diversity from urban centres to small towns, Canada is also considered one of the safest countries in the world for international students. If you’re searching for high life, international students in Canada enjoy quality standard of living.

According to the World University Rankings, Canada is among 5 of the top 100 student cities in the world. Canada has some of the lowest university tuition fees among English-speaking countries with a range of program options.

Canadian college and university students has graduates with a strong earning potential and has created 1.6 million new jobs for graduates. The main reasons why you should decide to study in Canada include money, safety, global perspective, education, and opportunities.

1. Money

Although the cost of studying in Canadian universities may be significantly higher for international students, the average fee is quite lower than some other study destinations. According to Times Higher Education, international students are expected to pay an average of CAD 25,180 per year and since most programs are three years, they graduate with CAD 75,540 in debt.

This is about USD 57,300, thus the average cost of an American university per year is about USD 33,215, which totals around USD 132,860 for a typical four-year program. In both cases, the tuition fee and the cost of living may vary depending on the state or province.

The program of study for Canada may also influence the amount, with arts and humanities being on the cheaper side and sciences and engineering on the expensive side. As money is an important factor, there are different ways to finance your education especially through scholarships, so don’t let the numbers stop you without first doing some more research.

2. The most Reason why you Should Study in Canada as an International Student is for Safety Purpose

Getting into a college or university may be the first chance for many international students to live away from home, so safety is a major concern for them and their parents.

According to Safearound, Canada is ranked as the 8th safest city in the world with a crime rate of about 1.6 per 100,000. Most crimes are localized to specific regions of the North, while tourist areas are considered safe with low chances of pickpocketing.

3. Global Perspective

Canada is globally recognized as one of the happiest countries in the world. The World Happiness Report ranked it in seventh place, taking into consideration the life evaluations, social support, freedom, generosity and corruption rates. US News also ranked it as the third-best country after Switzerland and Japan.

4. Education

Academically, many universities in Canada are highly respected and ranked for their research. Times Higher Education places 27 Canadian universities among the best in the world for 2019. Three of which includes the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia and McGill University are in the Top 50.

Undergraduate degrees in Canada can last up to three or four years. While post-graduate education is between one to three years depending on the program of study. Other institutions of higher education include community colleges and technical institutes. Each province may manage its universities slightly differently, but generally, there seems to be a focus for research and respect for students to show interest in exploring specific areas more deeply.

5. Another Reason why you Should Study in Canada as an International Student is because of Opportunities it Offers

Canada is globally recognized as an amazing country to visit, live and study in. This is evident in the country’s efforts to attract international students to its universities. International students in Canada can work on campus without a work permit and can also apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) after completing their studies.

This post-graduation work permit can be between eight months and three years long, depending on the program of study. The government of Canada even encourages international students to apply for permanent residency and gives them preferred status.

According to Forbes, “between 2015 and 2017 alone, the number of international students in Canada increased by forty percent.” The constant effort towards international student population creates a more welcoming community that values respect, diversity, and attention to global issues.

According to Times Higher Education, this a cosmopolitan atmosphere on campus. Canada has one of the most diverse international student populations from over 180 countries studying in Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal.

For international students, Canada promises to offer various benefits for their short term goals while in university and long-term goals as global citizens.

A senior researcher at the Conference Board of Canada is quoted by The Globe and Mail to have said that international students “look to Canada because of our reputation of being a multicultural society, as well as being a country that is open and receptive to immigration.”

So instead of asking yourself “why Canada,” a better question would be, why not Canada? Because you’ll be welcomed with open arms, learn with the brightest minds, and set your path on a promising future.

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