Top 10 Best STEM Majors For Females

Women’s historical underrepresentation in STEM fields may be traced back to prejudice, a lack of role models, and the dominance of men in the STEM sectors. The misconception that women aren’t as brilliant at arithmetic as males have shattered the confidence of many young girls despite common sense and ample studies proving no cognitive difference between the sexes. Nevertheless, some women have ventured into some of the Best STEM majors for females.

One challenge that is predominant so far in the STEM career is the number of women who are really interested in STEM careers. Although it’s getting easier for women to get into male-dominated fields, but it’s still a struggle for them in the STEM majors. In a report by the United States Census Bureau, women make up about 48% of the labour force in the US, but just 27% of the females are in the STEM professions.

The above figure shows the rate of underrepresentation of females in the STEM field. While these statistics are certainly noteworthy, it should be noted that women are gaining ground in several STEM fields. Hence this post covers the Best STEM majors for females who wish to pursue a career in the STEM field.

What Is A STEM Degree?

The acronym STEM stands for the fields of study known collectively as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It encompasses all of the subfields that fall under these categories. These fields of study are incredibly varied, demanding and provide students with access to a wealth of different careers.

Jobs in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as related fields such as management and higher education teaching and sales that require scientific or technical knowledge, are included in this definition.

Best STEM Majors For Females

Highest Paying STEM Majors For Females

The following is a list of the top STEM majors for women to pursue. They are chosen based on the percentage of women working in the field, the earnings they make and the educational opportunities they provide.

1. Computer System Analyst

Computer systems analysts, who are often referred to as system architects, evaluate the existing computer systems at a company and devise strategies for their enhancement. They seek methods to improve the organization’s overall productivity and usefulness across all of its hardware and software platforms. As the nature of the job does not involve carrying heavy loads around, it is therefore one of the Best STEM majors for women.

2. Software Engineer

One of the highest paying STEM jobs is software engineering. Software engineers focus on the planning, coding, and testing of software products to ensure they fulfil customer needs. To allow programs and hardware to interact with one another, they employ software interfaces. Women make up about 27% of the engineering workforce in the US. Having more female role models in the field makes it a great choice. Hence it is one of the top STEM majors for women.

3. UI/UX Designer

Designers of the user interface for the web and other digital goods are responsible for the aesthetic features of websites and other digital products. They deal with a variety of design elements, including colours, typography, layout, and graphics.

4. Operations Research Analysts

Operations research analysts are responsible for finding solutions to difficult issues by compiling and analyzing data, devising analytical tools, and doing an in-depth studies. They might be employed in a variety of fields, including business, health care, or logistics. Operations research analysts counsel managers and other decision-makers on the most effective solutions to their issues. It is one of the most desirable STEM fields for women to study.

5. Environmental Scientists

Environmental professionals and scientists compile and examine the data collected about the environment. The knowledge is then put to use by these experts as they work to devise solutions to problems that threaten human and environmental health. The nature of this job is not quite cumbersome and as such it is an ideal STEM career for females.

6. School Psychologist

Naturally, women are known to be more tender than men. This particular characteristic favours them to function as School psychologists. School psychologists are responsible for addressing the needs of the students. Within the context of the school, they counsel students on a variety of concerns, including those pertaining to education and challenges in the field of psychology.

7. Clinical Psychologist

Clinical psychologists investigate mental illnesses and analyze the efficacy of various approaches to treating mental health issues. Psychologists who specialize in counselling put their knowledge to use by assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients who are struggling with mental, behavioural, and emotional issues.

Read More: Psychology Major: How To Become A Psychologist

8. Sociologist

Sociologists investigate how people interact in various settings, such as neighbourhoods, clubs, and workplaces. They investigate people’s intricate relationships in order to provide guidance to politicians, social scientists, and other experts.

9. Chemist

Researchers in the fields of chemistry and materials science often examine their subjects at the atomic and molecular levels. To guide the creation of new scientific discoveries, they examine the specific composition of substances and study their interactions. With a postgraduate degree in chemistry, you can equally work as a lecturer in colleges and universities. This kind of job has no discrimination towards gender.

Related: What Can I Do With A Chemistry Degree?

10. Medical Scientist

Clinical trials and other forms of research are conducted by medical experts to gain a better understanding of human health. They might evaluate everything from new drugs and medical equipment to healthcare systems and services. With the help of Physicians and Surgeons, good and quality healthcare services can be rendered to patients. This responsibility does not know gender and as such suits females who are looking for a STEM career.


When it comes to careers in STEM, women have plenty of options. Other engineering disciplines, such as petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, geological engineering, and so on, are also excellent choices for women who want to pursue careers in STEM fields.