What Can I Do With A Chemistry Degree?

Due to the rapid growth in careers, students are presented with various options on their lists to choose from. The choice of a career is determined by some factors and for the best career choice, the student must pay attention. Students who wish to study chemistry are now increasing geometrically, but one question on their lips is, “What Can I Do With A Chemistry Degree”? To make the chemistry career path simpler, we will look at the highest-paying chemistry jobs on the chemistry careers list.

What Is Chemistry?

According to Wikipedia, Chemistry is the study of the properties and behaviours of matter. The study of the constituent parts and compounds of matter, including their composition, structure, properties, behaviour, and the transformations that take place as a result of chemical reactions, is referred to as the natural science of chemistry.

Graduates of chemistry programmes have nearly limitless options for putting their molecular-level chemical expertise to use, since it may be applied to the analysis of all matter, and therefore to the study of the whole natural world.

What Are The Branches Of Chemistry?

Chemistry as a field of study is divided into 5 major branches. These five branches of chemistry are generally the major specialties one can take at the master’s level. The five main branches of chemistry are:

  1. Organic Chemistry
  2. Inorganic chemistry
  3. Physical Chemistry
  4. Analytical Chemistry and
  5. Biochemistry

These can be said to be the primary branches of chemistry.

  1. Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Carbon and its compounds are the focus of organic chemistry. It involves the investigation of chemical processes and reactions that take place within living things. As a field of research, organic chemistry may investigate organic processes, molecular structure and characteristics, polymers, medicines, and fuels.

  1. Inorganic chemistry

The field of inorganic chemistry focuses on substances that can’t be classified as “organic.” Inorganic chemistry is the scientific study of substances that lack carbon and hydrogen bonds. Although carbon may be found in a small number of inorganic compounds, metals are by far the most common component of inorganic molecules.

  1. Physical Chemistry

From the name Physical Chemistry (Physics and Chemistry), this field of chemistry applies physics to explain chemistry. The study of chemistry with the aid of physical principles, such as thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, is known as physical chemistry.

  1. Analytical Chemistry

Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that focuses on the chemistry of matter and the development of various measuring techniques. Analytical chemists are responsible for developing standards, methods, and equipment.

  1. Biochemistry

Biochemistry is a branch of chemistry that examines the chemical processes that occur within living organisms. The body cannot function without proteins, nucleic acids, carbs, lipids, pharmaceuticals, or neurotransmitters. There is an organic chemistry subfield for this study. There is an overlap between the fields of biochemistry, genetics, and cell and molecular biology.

Apart from these primary branches of chemistry, there are other subfields of chemistry. Although they are majorly specialties at the doctoral level, they are the subfields of the above-mentioned fields of chemistry. They include Green Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Astrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Theoretical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Geochemistry and Quantum Chemistry.

What Is Required For A Career In Chemistry?

In every career path, education, experience and skills are essential commodities to reach the peak of a career. Likewise, for a career in chemistry, these are also required.

  1. Educational Requirements

In terms of education as a requirement for a career in chemistry, many chemistry occupations require a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or a related field. This is because chemistry careers rely on scientific knowledge and experimental abilities.

i. Bachelor’s Degree

Bachelor’s degree is generally the basic degree to undertake any professional career. This is because undergraduate courses lay the pathway to different specialities. As a prerequisite for a career in chemistry, you need to get a B.Sc. The B.Sc. in Chemistry will be a stepping stone for other graduate studies if you wish to study more.

ii. Master’s Degree

It is a more advanced degree than a bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree in chemistry gives you an edge over your competitors in any of the highest-paid chemistry careers. It is necessary to get a master’s degree in chemistry if you wish to venture into teaching on the chemistry career lists. The master’s degree brings about specialization.

iii. Doctorate Degree (PhD)

The PhD is officially the last level of learning as a scholar in the academic journey. With a doctorate in chemistry,  you can venture into lecturing at universities and colleges. This is another career that is attainable with a degree in chemistry. Most students who completed their M.Sc. in chemistry proceed to do their doctorate abroad because many countries offer high-paying PhD stipends.

  1. Experience

Another requirement for a career in chemistry is working experience. This is why in most countries, the program syllable is organized to include at least six months of industrial training. You may opt to work at a university or private lab while getting your bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Interning or working in chemical laboratories are some of the best ways to gain post-graduation experience after undergraduate internships.

Working with other chemists and chemical engineers can help you improve lab skills and build relationships. Administrative jobs outside of labs help you improve skills like note-taking and scheduling. Looking for the best places to work as a chemist to gain experience? Read Where Can I Work As A Paid Chemistry Summer Intern?

  1. Skills

To be certified as a chemist, some essential skills are must-haves. These skills are essential for a successful career path in chemistry. Be it in the lab or any other career choice in chemistry, the following skills are what you need to become a certified chemist.

i. Research Skill

Research serves as a fundamental method and framework for chemists’ initiatives, allowing them to recognise, assess, and comprehend the characteristics of various substances. To gain research skills, you may search for the best professionals in your field on Reasearchgate and learn from them.

ii. Analysis

Analyses are used by chemists (especially, Analytical chemists) to make conclusions from their experiments and to evaluate and discuss the findings of other scientists. This skill is very important and would boost your chances of working in any place.

iii. Data collection

If you are going to analyse experiment results and draw conclusions from them, you need to have strong record-keeping and data-entry abilities so that you can accurately record the results of your studies.

iv. Organization And Team Work

It is essential to keep your workstation organised, especially if you operate in an atmosphere with other chemists and with a variety of chemicals at the same time. Teamwork is necessary for chemists to be able to collaborate because so many chemists work on group initiatives, such as research and development teams or grant projects.

Related: Top 20 Highest Paying Chemistry Jobs/Careers

What Can You Do With A Chemistry Degree?

Chemists often move on to intriguing careers in a wide variety of fields after completing their bachelor’s in the subject. In a nutshell, those who graduate with a degree in chemistry have virtually limitless options. This is because, one may ask, “What is not Chemistry”?

Virtually every basic need of man has a connection to Chemistry. From the food we eat, and the clothes we wear to the house we live in. All these are products of chemistry hence,

Top Chemistry Career List

  1. Chemistry Teacher

Whether they work in elementary, middle, or high school, the job of a chemistry teacher is to instruct their students in the subject of chemistry. As a result of the prevalence of chemistry questions on standardised examinations, students need to have a fundamental comprehension of the fundamentals of the subject.

This early introduction to the subject of chemistry has the potential to influence students’ willingness to learn more and maybe pursue a career in chemistry on their own. These educators are responsible for the creation of lesson plans, the delivery of education, the grading of student work, as well as individual tutoring and instruction.

  1. Academic Researcher (Chemistry Careers in Research)

Chemical engineering, chemical and allied businesses, healthcare, and more all need chemistry degrees. Due to the range of study aims, methodologies, and places, research careers are more diverse than they appear. You may work in a university, where your tasks may include research and teaching, or a pharmaceutical firm, where you may discover, develop, and test new drug candidates.

You’ll put your knowledge and abilities to use as an academic researcher. You will produce reports, books, or book chapters on your field of expertise, to have some of these published in reputable, peer-reviewed publications. While a bachelor’s degree in chemistry is sufficient for entry-level work in many chemical-related fields, those with a master’s or even a PhD in a related discipline may be better suited for research and other higher-level roles.

  1. Healthcare Career

Healthcare chemists often conduct their research and development in institutional laboratories. There is a growing possibility of assisting with patient investigations at the point of care. You’ll be aiding in the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of sickness. To aid in the diagnosis, management, and therapy of illnesses, biochemists in clinical settings analyse body fluid samples collected from patients, such as blood and urine.

Similar concepts include clinical biochemistry and healthcare science. While they are unable to provide medical advice, chemists play a crucial role in assuring reliable research results, establishing the root of a problem, preserving data accurately, and implementing discoveries. You can healthcare giver with a chemistry degree.

  1. Chemical Engineering Career

Chemical engineers are employed by the oil and gas, energy, water treatment, polymer, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food and beverage sectors. Despite their distinctions, chemistry and chemical engineering are essential in each of these fields. These fields are responsible for the research, creation, and manufacturing of chemicals.

Chemical engineers are responsible for ensuring the efficiency and safety of chemical processes, modifying the chemical makeup of products to meet environmental or economic standards, and using cutting-edge technological solutions to improve established practices.

  1. Career In The Pharmaceutical Industries

The healthcare sector and the pharmaceutical industry are intertwined in many ways, and both are quite large and provide extensive employment opportunities. The rising need for both specialised treatments and new drugs, in general, has increased the importance of pharmaceutical chemists in the development, production, analysis, evaluation, and regulation of both.

Testing and chemical analysis of new pharmaceuticals is the main focus of analytical pharmaceutical chemists. They work to ensure that all products are safe for human use and in line with legislative guidelines. One additional area of chemistry that is experiencing rapid expansion is toxicology. It is one of the top 20 highest-paying chemistry jobs.

  1. Public Service Career

In the fields of law, policymaking, defence, public health, and environmental protection, there is a growing demand for people with chemical expertise who get funding from the government. Forensic occupations in the legal and political sectors are growing as a result of developments in forensic research methods. Chemical engineers can work in the public sector in fields including environmental consultancy, agriculture, and chemical diagnostics.


As stated above, chemistry is one branch of science that gives you limitless career options to choose from. Getting a chemistry degree will enable you to work in so many sectors and improve the lives of people around you. Looking for what to study in the university? Then chemistry is an option, because, you can do all these mentioned above with a degree in chemistry.

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