How to start a Career in Audio Production in 2020

Before you decide to look for work as an audio producer in audio production, you may want to learn a bit more about the career and the many job possibilities in an array of industries. If you’re even slightly confused about the various kinds of audio production careers and what, exactly, audio producers do, don’t blame yourself.

The term is often used interchangeably with a variety of other terms like “recording producer” “mixing producer” “sound producer” “studio producer” “live music producer” and more. Audio producers are professionals who work in the production and/or recording of sound.

They could be the person recording an actor, a live concert at a venue, the individual who’s sitting at the console within the room of a studio who’s recording the vocals of a singer or the rhythms and instrument playing.

Consider the role of an Audio Producer before starting a Career in Audio Production

A talented and experienced audio producer with solid training can practically work in any industry and on any project which needs the production and oftentimes enhancement of sound. From podcasts to audiobooks, to the audio tours you’re taking at museums, to the video games you or your friends play, to movies, television shows, and radio shows, all of them require the expertise of an audio producer.

Audio producers are on the “technical side” of the work while music producers, artists, and musicians are on the “creative side.” It is probably more accurate to see the role of the audio producer as a conduit for the capture and perfection of a sound, the quality of which is set upon by the artist or music producer.

In other words, the artist or music producer decides what quality they need to sound to be and therefore the audio producer enacts the acceptable functions and technologies to understand that sound. Therefore, having the ability to know what’s being sought then knowing the way to achieve that specific sound or sound quality may be a large facet of the work.

Because music is by definition a subjective kind, the terminology used to represent particular sounds and sound qualities can oftentimes be complicated. “Grainy,” “booming,” “textured,” “layered,” and “rich,” are just a few.

Audio producers have to be competent enough in music theory to understand the difference between dissonance and consonance. Basic song structures should even be included in their wheelhouse since artists and producers will often ask the “bridge” “intro” “chorus” “outro” “drop” and other key parts of a song while working in session.

Expected requirements from someone who chooses a Career in Audio Production

Many music producers also working as audio producers who may choose to assume both roles when working with artists.

Furthermore, many future music producers start out their careers as audio producers in order to build their experience, and industry connections before marketing themselves as music producers. Wherever an audio producer is at work, they’re going to generally be handling, perfecting, balancing, and adjusting sound through the utilization of equalization and audio technologies and effects.

They will be mixing, reinforcing, or reproducing sound and altering the standard of specific sounds through the usage of analogue or digital technologies such as plugins and effects. Understanding signal processors, signal flow, digital audio workstations, microphones, tape machines, acoustics, sequencing software and speaker systems are all requirements for those who choose this career.

Specialization in a particular niche is required

In the world of audio production, those who are deeply interested in this career must first get a certain amount of experience and exposure to varied jobs and facets of the industry to then know which path or paths they need to pursue.

It is not uncommon for one audio producer to have numerous specializations or niches. With a wide range of audio production careers out there to choose from, you may want to start thinking about what excites you about audio, sound, or music. Do your research, read articles and watch interviews with professionals who actively work in one of the subfields, niches, or specializations.


  • Recording producer
  • Studio producer
  • Tracking producer
  • Audio broadcast producer
  • Game and audio design producer
  • Forensic audio specialist
  • Live Music aka Live Sound producer
  • Mix producer or Mixing producer
  • Monitor producer
  • Mastering producer
  • Systems producer and
  • Post Audio producer

Being open to learning and having a sense of discovery are two signature character traits of a successful audio producer. Careers in audio can change quickly in response to the event of the latest technologies, new sorts of media, and fluctuations in market demand.

It is important to stay current with the latest technologies and trends in music, broadcasting, live sound, and various other fields. Agility and responsiveness are characteristics of audio producers who choose a career in audio production and can endure and even thrive during times of change.

If you’re currently studying audio production and music production, your search for a job in audio production shouldn’t wait until after graduation. You can start networking and researching while you’re studying, you need to be making the connections in order to get hired later.

Your news audio production skills will qualify you for a broad range of jobs and career positions, and you’ll narrow the search to support your interests and passions.

Here are just a few examples of jobs and careers you might look for:

Audio producer/audio production assistant. You can either attempt to land employment during a studio or if you’re the entrepreneurial type, start a studio of your own.

Live audio producer. You can search for an audio production job in one among many live music venues, or if you wish to travel, attempt to get hired with a touring act.

Music producer. You may want to dive into the creative and/or administrative side of recording and begin producing recordings for musical artists you think of.

Video production-audio department. Films, videos, TV commercials and web series nearly always need audio production help.

Post-production expert. Post-production houses handle tons of interesting projects, including voiceover, audio FX, foley and ADR for film/TV.

Mastering producer. You might prefer to concentrate on mastering, which is that the all-important final step in preparing recorded audio for CD and vinyl duplication, also as making music and other audio “broadcast-ready.”

Strategies for Landing a Job in Audio Production

Finding a good audio production job is probably going to take more than just mailing out a bunch of resumes to companies that don’t know anything about you. Having an online presence helps to make you look legitimate and desirable in the eyes of employers and potential clients.

It also helps extend your base of connections beyond the people you meet face to face. Setting up a website and a presence on social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) will make it easy for prospective employers to find useful information about you and your accomplishments when they “Google” you (and trust us, they will “Google” you).

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