Best Countries With The Highest Paid PhD Stipends

The cost of getting a doctorate can be very expensive in most cases and for this reason, PhD candidates seek to know the best countries with the highest paid PhD stipends. Stipends for completing a PhD can range significantly from one country to the next, with some countries offering more generous compensation than others. In this post, we are going to look at the best countries with the Highest paid PhD stipends.

Owing to the high rate of inflation currently, the cost of studying in tier one countries has surged. This is more reason to look for countries with less expensive tuition fees, cost of living, and other expenses. In a poll conducted on Researchgate, many students aired their views on this topic. With this in mind, if you are having trouble making ends meet, then you can consider any of the following countries listed below for PhD as they have the highest paid PhD stipends.

What Is A Stipend?

One of the many forms of financial assistance that are available for postgraduate study is known as a stipend. A stipend is a non-wage payment that is given to a student in connection with the educational activities that the student is participating in. A student who is awarded a stipend will have the option to take part in educational research or studies. Even if they would not normally have the financial means to do so without the aid of the stipend.

There is a wide range of possible annual amounts for stipends, from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. For the student to fulfil his or her financial responsibilities to pay for living expenses, the student does not need to participate in any additional paid labour. There are a variety of approaches that may be taken to carry out the task of disbursing stipends.

What Is The Value Of A PhD Stipend?

In contrast to other nations in Europe, the United States does not have either a statutory amount for doctoral students. The annual stipend for PhD students might range from $10,000 to $30,000. This is something that is determined by the college that the person attends, the program they do, and where they live.

In spite of the fact that most doctoral students in the US receive income for nine months out of the year, several institutions give support throughout the summer months. A tuition waiver may be included as part of the PhD stipend that the student receives.

Best Countries With Best Paid PhD Stipends

Let us look at the top countries and schools with the highest paid PhD stipends in the world. In the list, some factors contributed to the choice of these countries as the Best Countries with PhD stipends.

These factors include tuition cost/cost of living, university rankings, and access to the country’s Visa. Here are the best countries with the highest paid PhD Stipends in the world.

  1. United States of America (USA)

The United States of America has over the years been the run-to place for PhD scholars from around the world. With the Best 10 Universities With The Highest Paid PhD Stipends located in the USA, you have nothing to worry about choosing the best Universities for doctoral studies. This is no doubt one of the best reasons for postgraduate studies in America.

American universities provide the best forms of PhD stipends for both local and international students. It is one of the best countries to study for a PhD be it fully funded or partly funded. The value of stipends offered per semester by American Universities varies, but you can be sure to get a stipend worth over $10,000 per semester in most universities in the USA.

  1. Canada

Canada is another country on the list of countries with the best stipends for postgraduate studies. This is why it is one of the most sought-after countries for graduate education. Apart from the lively atmosphere it presents, Canada also offers permanent residency benefits to international students who are permanent residents. This subsidizes their tuition fees to be almost the same amount as nationals.

According to the findings of a poll on Researchgate, that included more than 7,500 individuals, Canadians are among those who survive on some of the highest PhD stipends in the world. On average, 9% of people make do with £18k or less, 27% make do with £19-20k, 23% make do with £21-22k, and 15% make do with £23-24k. These PhD students also get the chance to do paid jobs while studying in Canada.

  1. Australia

Australia is another country to bank on when it comes to good or high-paid PhD Stipends. With enough places and reasons for attraction, Australia is regarded as home to some of the most beautiful landscapes on our planet as well as some of the most brilliant brains.

As it turns out, Australia offers some of the highest stipends for doctoral students anywhere in the world. The monetary values of these stipends have always increased since 2012 and continue to do so especially as the rate of inflation keeps soaring higher. If you are contemplating whether or not it would be beneficial to pursue a doctoral degree given the current state of the economy, then Australia is the country to move to.

Australia also offers Permanent Residency Status to International Students who meet the requirements for this offer.

  1. Norway

If you are looking for a government-sponsored stipend, then Norway is the right place to study. This is because the Norwegian government provides PhD students with the first 100,000 Norwegian kroner (about $15,000) per year. If they acquire an assistantship (which is quite likely), they receive an additional 100,000 Norwegian kroner. Those living outside of Norway should expect to pay between £9,600 and £18,600 which is less compared to other European countries.

Students and workers in Norway who are awarded financing for their doctoral studies by a public organization are eligible for several advantageous tax exemptions. It is feasible to put some money aside while attending one of the seven public institutions in Norway if you can maintain a part-time job during your degree programme.

  1. United Kingdom (UK)

The United Kingdom has numerous universities that offer international students PhD stipends to complete their Doctoral studies. The majority of institutions in the UK will give their graduate students an annual stipend of £13,547 ($19,900), which is based on a PhD programme that is four years long. That is a respectable amount of money; given that it already accounts for non-living expenses such as tuition fees and general upkeep.

  1. Sweden

Sweden is another country in Europe where you can get some of the highest paid stipends to complete your PhD. According to research conducted by the Department of Academic and Professional Studies at Stockholm University, doctorate students in Sweden are eligible for a base monthly wage of $3,814.

Apart from the basic pay, many PhD students in Sweden can find at least some part-time employment, allowing them to work in positions such as teaching or research while they are pursuing their degrees. Some people manage to get their PhDs by working full-time and then switching to teaching. In addition, some grants may be applied to assist in finance research initiatives. These grants are one of the numerous Types of Financial Aid for Graduate Students in Sweden.

  1. Finland

The extensive bus and train network that connects the entirety of Finland enables students to have an easier time making the daily journey to classes or venturing out into the city. Aside from this, Finland has a unique package of about an average of $35,000 as PhD stipend per annum. This is a huge amount when compared to the current cost of living.

Finland is also noted as one of the best countries with the highest amount paid as stipends to doctoral students. It also means that a PhD scholar can equally live fine and study in Finland comfortably.

  1. Germany

Germany is a popular destination for academically driven individuals who are interested in receiving a PhD stipend. Doctoral students in Germany get stipends ranging from around $1000 to $2000 or even more per month from the universities or research organisations where they are enrolled. In addition to receiving income every month, PhD candidates also get a start-up allowance when they first enrol in their programme. This allowance can be used to cover expenditures such as moving costs or supplies.

  1. Ukraine

This is one of the best countries to visit for academic endeavours. It has since time past been one of the countries with the best academic environment and packages for international students who wish to do their PhD. Students pursuing a doctorate at a state university are eligible for a monthly stipend of $157. They also get an additional $56 for health insurance and a monthly incentive of $56 for teaching.

The packages for PhD Students in Ukraine also include $120 for children if they are enrolled in the programme. The total sum, per month, is around $325, which is not a terrible amount by any means.

  1. Russia

Known for its overwhelming interest in research, Russia offers some of the best stipends for PhD students to entice them to study in their country. Students who are currently enrolled in PhD programmes in professions such as medicine or engineering may earn as much as $3,000 per month (about €2,900), but this figure does not take into account any applicable taxes.

Also, students enrolled in degree programmes that are not linked to the sciences often earn a stipend of around $1,500 per month. This amounts to about $18000 annually, not a bad one though.

  1. Japan

Currently, Japan has turned out to be one of the best countries for international students to study abroad. With so many students trooping into Japan for studies (both undergraduate and postgraduate studies), PhD students are equally not left out. Doing part-time jobs such as teaching English language in Japan by international students of English descent is another way to make cool cash.

The PhD Stipends in Japan are worth over $10,000 annually and most students can equally get fully-funded scholarships to study in Japan. One of these scholarship opportunities is the MEXT Japan Government Scholarship to study in Asia.

Apply for the MEXT Japan Government Scholarship To Study In Asia

  1. Denmark

Denmark’s educational institutions are among the best in the world. This indicates that they have a sufficient amount of resources and are able to offer outstanding research opportunities to doctoral candidates. The University of Copenhagen, the University of Aarhus, and the Technical University of Denmark are just a few examples of these educational establishments.

According to reports, the tuition rates for PhD students range between 6,000 and 16,000 euros per year. This makes studying in Europe a more financially feasible option than in the United States, Canada, or Australia.

  1. Switzerland

Switzerland is a multilingual nation with official languages such as French, German, Italian, and Romansch. You will be exposed to a rich and varied environment in which to further your education. The value of the PhD stipend in Switzerland is worth about $30,000 annually.

  1. China

International students in China are presented with various stipends which help them to complete their programs. It should come as no surprise that China, which has the world’s second-largest economy, also has a higher education system that is undergoing significant development. This is evident in the outstanding options that are available to overseas students working toward their PhD.


The purpose of stipends is to provide postgraduate students with some form of financial assistance so that they can continue their education. As a rule, they are awarded on the basis of one’s achievements. To keep getting this kind of financial support, one needs to keep up a particular degree of consistency in one’s academic performance. In this post we have examined the best countries with the highest paid PhD stipends in the world.