10 Best Online PhD programs In Business Law

A PhD in Business Law is an advanced degree for those who desire to have a thorough familiarity with both the legal system and the business world. Most courses in business law combine academic discussions with practical exercises based on actual cases. The Best Online PhD programs in Business Law typically take three years to complete, including one semester of additional coursework and two and a half years of research and writing for the dissertation.

Exciting new opportunities await graduates of the Top Online PhD degrees in Business Law as it provides accommodating scheduling and a challenging, all-encompassing programme designed to equip you for success in your chosen field.

What Is International Business Law?

The field of International Business Law pertains to the examination of the legal and regulatory frameworks that influence commercial transactions between enterprises situated in multiple countries. The subject matter may encompass areas such as the legal principles governing contracts (law of contracts), the laws on intellectual property, and the regulations governing trade.

Where Can A PhD In Business Law Find A Employment?

Professionals trained in international business law find employment in a wide range of sectors and functions. Contract managers, compliance officers, and customs brokers are all examples of frequent workplace roles. They may work for a variety of different entities, including for-profit businesses, government entities, and charitable organisations.

Management of legal concerns arising out of business activities, including contracts, fiduciary duties, business litigations, transactions, partnerships, intellectual property, and other market contacts are the primary responsibilities of a PhD in Business Law student. Ethical considerations in business are another area of focus for legal counsel.

How To Choose An Online PhD Degree in Business Law

As someone with a burning desire to complete an online PhD program in business law, there are factors you have to consider to make the best choice. These factors include the factors for a career choice and again the factors for choosing the best colleges for an online degree.

Numerous online PhD in Business Law programmes are currently accessible. To ensure you get the best online program in business law that suits you, consider the following factors:

#1. Professional Aspirations (Career Goals)

Before you decided to start a PhD program in business law, there are some career goals you wish to attain. Therefore when choosing an online programme, you must consider these professional aspirations of yours. The best online doctorate in business law for you should therefore align with your professional aspirations. Do you wish to attain management positions, then choose the programs with curricula designed to meet these career goals.

#2. Timetable (Schedule)

Generally, the major reason why people choose an online program is because it gives them time to do their other businesses. As a professional, you have other things that take your time such as family care, work and so on. These challenges are usually huge for married women especially. Hence, to effectively complete your PhD in Business you have to consider your schedules. So look out for programs that allow you time for other businesses.

#3. Academic Concentration/Specialization

Another factor to consider when choosing an online degree is the area of speciality you want. Does the school offer the program you want to do? If yes then compare with other schools available considering the next factor below.

#4. Language Of Study

The study language for the online PhD program in business law is a very important factor to consider. You have to choose a program that is taught in a language you understand as you may not have full access to the professors on campus for clarifications where necessary. It is advisable to choose an online program that is taught in your native language for proper flow.

#5. Cost Of Tuition And Other Expenses

Having considered the above factors and they align with your desires, it is now time to make the last consideration – the cost of tuition. What is your budget for this program? How much are you willing to cough out and not get affected? Generally, online programs are somewhat expensive and require a huge sum of money to meet. You may have to look out for more cheap online schools for online degrees to see which one suits your budget and go for it.

Best Online PhD Degrees in Business Law

List Of Top Online PhD Programs In Business Law

An online PhD degree in Business Law can open up more doors than an Online Master’s in Business (MBA) does, especially if you’re seeking a higher-level administrative post with a better income. Here is a list of the Top Online PhD programs in Business Law

1. University of Catalonia [Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)]

The goal of this PhD program at the UOC is to educate scholars and practitioners who can use a global, multidisciplinary, and critical lens to issues in the disciplines of law, criminal justice, economics, and politics. UOC’s strategic goals include establishing environments that encourage the co-creation of knowledge with other agents in society to increase its impact, which is why the Doctoral School and its doctoral programme in Law, Politics, and Economics exist. This program is among the Top Online PhD Programs in Business Law.

Related: 10 Best PhD Degrees For Business

The program is 100% online and it is taught in three major languages, English, Spain and Catalan. This means that you can learn in different languages. This is one of the reasons we have ranked the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya as one of the best online PhD programs in business law. Visit the School Website HERE

2. Monash University

The Monash Law programme offers a range of innovative and diverse opportunities for conducting high-quality legal research that is cross-disciplinary in nature. It is arguably one of the Top Online PhD Programs in Business Law. The fundamental component entails a comprehensive, autonomous research endeavour on a mutually agreed-upon subject matter, reinforced by a minimum of two proficient academic mentors. Visit the official website HERE

3. Saint Mary’s College of California

Saint Mary’s College’s unique EDBA programme caters to working business executives and managers who wish to transition into academic roles and contribute to the creation of a more considerate and fair economy and society. This program is designed to develop the foundational abilities necessary to excel in more advanced graduate-level business programmes. You’ll need to ace all seven required prerequisites to graduate, but depending on your background, you could be exempt from taking some of them. Visit The Official Website HERE

List of Best PhD Programs in Business Law

Top 10 Best Online PhD Programs in Business Law

1. Hampton University – PhD Business Administration

The Doctor of Business Administration programme is a hybrid offering from the School of Business, Graduate College, and the Hampton University Online Programme. It requires two 4-week summer residencies. Courses in either accounting/finance or marketing/management are available in the Business Administration major. The Doctor of Business Administration degree at Hampton University requires students to take 60 semester hours of coursework. At the end of the programme, students defend their dissertations in front of their peers and faculty on campus.

2. Liberty University – Juris Doctor With Specialization In Business Law

During the pursuit of a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree at Liberty University School of Law, students are allowed to tailor their academic experience to their individualised areas of interest through specialised coursework. The Juris Doctor programme with a specialization in Business Law at Liberty University equips students with the necessary skills to effectively engage in the practice of business law.

3. The University of Arizona –  International Trade and Business Law (ITBL))

The International Trade and Business Law (ITBL) programme gives applicants the theoretical and practical knowledge that is necessary to comprehend the international law that governs trade, investment, currency and financial activities, as well as intellectual property.

This program is normally a three-year programme. The first year of the programme requires full-time in-residence attendance, which typically consists of two terms of enrollment in coursework at the University of Arizona.

4. University Of New South Wales (UNSW) – Taxation & Business Law

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in Taxation & Business Law offered by UNSW aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to emerge as research leaders with a global perspective and a commitment to social engagement.

As a participant in this programme, you will be joining a group of accomplished research scholars who are dedicated to addressing contemporary issues in the Accounting discipline. This presents a unique chance for you to assimilate into the community of scholars at the UNSW Business School.

5. British University In Dubai – Business Law

The Doctor of Philosophy programme in Business Law offered by The British University in Dubai is tailored to cater to the academic pursuits of individuals who possess a keen interest in the comprehensive exploration of legal principles and their application in the context of commercial dealings and management.

6. Hampton University – PhD in Business Administration

Hampton University’s Ph.D. in Business Administration programme is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue careers as consultants or professors and to assume leadership positions in administrative roles. Apart from the virtual courses, it is anticipated that students will complete two summer residencies. The academic programme concludes with the submission of a dissertation.

7. Bellevue University – Human Capital Management

The online PhD programme in Human Capital Management offered by Bellevue University emphasizes contemporary global business practices. Upon completion of the programme, graduates are eligible for a diverse range of roles, including but not limited to positions in compensation and benefits management, human resource management, and industrial-organizational psychology.

8. New York University – Economics Law

The Ph.D. programme in Economics-Law offered by New York University provides its graduates with contemporary economic methodologies, which empower them to assume authoritative roles in economic research across academic, corporate, and governmental domains.

9. Case Western Reserve University – Law and Business Management

The Law and Business Management programme at Case Western Reserve University offers students the opportunity to develop their legal and business acumen, enabling them to specialise in the management of legal, contractual, and governmental affairs. This programme is designed to enhance students’ professional prospects.

10. Saint Mary’s College of California – Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA)

The Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA) curriculum that Saint Mary’s College of California provides is geared toward teaching business executives the knowledge and abilities they need to become scholarly practitioners. The EDBA degree pushes students to apply theoretical principles to real-world business problems, which helps students build their capacity for critical thinking as they go through the programme.