How Do You Become a Public Health Consultant? Specialties in Public Health

Due to the enormous scope of the field of public health as an area of study, a great number of educational institutions, including universities and colleges, have devised appropriate curricula to cover a variety of public health topics. This is why we tend to answer the question, how do you become a public health consultant? What are the Public Health Consultant Specialties with a Master Of Public Health?

The education that is necessary to become a public health consultant is considered to be rigorous. Nonetheless, the importance of the work makes it well worth the effort. According to the findings of a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), advancements in public health practices have made a significant contribution toward increasing the life expectancy of people.

People who are interested in ensuring that disease control and life expectancy are improved and the good health of the general public is maintained are said to have an interest in public health. The big questions then are, how do you become a public health consultant? How can I become a public health consultant? What are the specialties in public health?

In this post, we are going to discuss in detail how to become a public health consultant and the specialties in public health. In our previous post, we have discussed Public health in general – who is a public health professional and how to become a public health professional. What do public health professionals do? Where do public health professionals work? Public health degree careers and highest paid public health jobs and salaries.

You can Read About that in Details Here:

What Is Public Health?

The scientific discipline that is commonly referred to as “public health” is the part of medicine that focuses on maintaining and enhancing the general health of populations of individuals as well as the places in which they reside. This obligation includes the monitoring of disease outbreaks, the prevention of such outbreaks, and the response to those outbreaks.

Teaching people how to take care of themselves and live healthy lives, as well as advocating for those types of lifestyles, are both components of public health. In addition to this, a considerable amount of research is necessary to discover the variables that lead to sickness, disability, and natural catastrophes and to create solutions for these problems.

The fundamental objective of the field of study known as public health is to improve the standard of living of people all over the world and to minimise the amount of physical and mental anguish they are subjected to.

Who Is A Public Health Consultant?

Public health consultants are public health professionals that have the expertise, knowledge, and training in public health that are necessary to assist in the prevention of illness, the extension of life, and the promotion of good lifestyle choices.

They are highly educated professionals in public health and have job experience in addition to their graduate degrees. This enables them to serve as authorities in their field. Continue reading if you are interested in pursuing this fulfilling job or if you just want to learn more about how to become a public health consultant. You will find more information in the following paragraphs.

What Is Public Health Consulting?

A role of a public health consultant promises to be a satisfying profession. In this position, professionals can strive to enhance public health by protecting and promoting health-oriented activities, and the position itself promises to be gratifying.

As self-employed public health professionals, public health consultants are independent contractors who pick their customers, projects, research topics, work schedules, and compensation rates. As a result, they contribute to making the world a healthier and safer place.

Because they are self-employed, they frequently experience both the advantages and the challenges that come with being entrepreneurs. Public health consultants pick their own projects, which often results in possibilities with a variety of organisations, geographic regions, and individuals. Those who work in the field of public health consulting often have experience in a range of specialties in public health, which increases their marketability.

What Do Public Health Consultants Do?

A public health consultant will be responsible for a few primary responsibilities in their work. To begin, there will be a consistent emphasis placed on the collection of information. Research and talking to people face to face are the two primary methods used for this. Following the collection of this information, it will be put to use in the production of reports and the development of plans, which will then be given to organisations and clients in the hope that they would alter their policies and processes to enhance health.

There may be additional obligations involved as well, which change from job to job. The public health consultant can work with government organisations such as the FDA or the CDC, in addition to more localised and state-level government departments.

Jobs and initiatives in this field can involve, mention just a few examples, conducting health assessments in communities, designing and carrying out health promotion activities, instructing personnel in disaster preparedness, and promoting safety programmes. To be more elaborate and detailed, what the public health consultants do are:

  1. Conduct professional study and analysis to establish how various problems and obstacles in the public health sector might be improved.
  2. Make the results and their views available to government agencies or other entities, so that they may utilise the data to build policies and procedures if they so want.
  3. Provide families and people in need with counselling to help them figure out what choices are open to them to enhance their health and well-being.
  4. Examine the existing policies and initiatives that have been put in place to protect the public’s health, and think about whether or not they may be enhanced in any manner.
  5. They seek the advice of hospitals in order to establish whether or not updated policies may help lower health hazards.

How To Become A Public Health Consultant

Becoming a public health consultant requires getting the necessary education and passing the required exams. In states or regions where they require licensing, you must meet the criteria to be licensed as a public health consultant.

A certain level of education will be required for a career as a public health consultant. Notwithstanding, the prerequisites for becoming a public health consultant could change depending on the field. The following are the step by step guides to becoming a public health consultant.

  1. Obtain A Bachelor’s Degree

The public health consultant may start with a bachelor’s in biology, psychology, nursing, social work, or health science. Bachelor’s degrees in biostatistics, epidemiology, health policy, behaviour science, or environmental health may also be needed.

A bachelor’s degree is the absolute minimum need for employment in a variety of fields within the realm of public health. Depending on the institution that you attend, you may have the opportunity to earn either a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in public health. Either one ought to offer students a broad educational foundation in public health, giving them the ability to choose a master’s programme that is tailored to match their particular needs.

  1. Obtain A Master’s Degree in Public Health

Education at the master’s level from a recognised university is required for public health consultants. This education most commonly takes the form of a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree from an approved university. MPH degrees emphasise practical application and equip graduates for leadership roles in local, state, federal, and global public health environments.

This Master of Public Health degree is required for public health consultants, epidemiologists, postgraduate health educators, and health survey researchers.

A lesser percentage of public health consultants go on to acquire a Doctor of Public Health (DPH) degree. The DPH can pave the way for leadership roles in the public sector as well as academic posts at higher education institutions.

  1. Get Necessary Work Experience

After earning your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in public health, get employment experience. Public health consulting involves subject-matter expertise. Fieldwork and internships help MPH graduates find jobs. A public health consultant should have 2-5 years of experience.

Leadership roles offer professional growth. Develop a Résumé highlighting your successful and relevant professional experience as a public health consultant. MPH graduates can work with the CDC, Indian Health Services, WHO, or local public health organisations.

Professionally expanding and building a résumé can lead to becoming a public health consultant. Pre-professional experience benefits college students. This sort of professional experience makes graduates/public health consultants more well-rounded and enhances learning outcomes by putting what they’ve learned into context.

NB: The Master of Public Health degree is the minimum requirement to become a public health consultant. When combined with your prior work experience, the Master of Public Health degree will place you in an excellent position to find meaningful employment.

What Is a Master Of Public Health (MPH)?

The Master of Public Health degree is the most prestigious professional degree that can be earned in the field of public health by those who are dedicated to improving and preserving people’s health. To earn a Master of Public Health degree, students normally need to take between 40 and 60 credits worth of advanced coursework.

There are credible MPH programmes available around the United States and Europe in several forms, including on-campus, online, and hybrid programmes. These MPH programmes may be found in various locations.

What Are The Requirements For a Master Of Public Health (MPH)?

To be eligible for admission into a Master of Public Health programme, applicants must:

There is a possibility that certain programmes have extra prerequisites; thus, you should constantly check to see what the prerequisites are for the programme that interests you.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Master Of Public Health (MPH)?

It is possible to get a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree in as little as one year or as long as three or more years, depending on whether or not the coursework is completed on a part-time or full-time basis.

There are different types of financial aid available for graduate students. Check out which one is available for the Master of Public Health.

How To Get Certified As Public Health Consultant

Multiple certificates are available to professionals in the public health sector. Certified in Public Health (CPH) is a global qualification that is available to those who possess a Master of Public Health degree.

A CPH accreditation is the most prevalent qualification for public healthcare consultants. It displays your dedication to keeping at the forefront of public health expertise. Certification for Public Health practitioners is provided by the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE).

There are other forms of certifications in public health that prepare one for a career path in public health consultancy. They include:

  • Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)
  • The Certified Public Health Administrator (CPHA)
  • Certified Emergency Response Coordinator (CERC)
  • National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc (NCHEC).
  • Certified Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist (CPAPHS)
  • Certified Correctional Health Professional (CCHP)

Who Licenses Public Health Consultants?

The necessary licences to practice as a public health consultant can be said to come in the form of the above certifications. Although public healthcare consultants are not strictly needed to be licenced. Hence, acquiring your Certified Public Health certification from the NBPHE would almost surely boost your profile with potential customers and position you as a Public Health Consultant.

What Are The Characteristics Of Public Health Consultants?

Effective public health consultants have a set of fundamental characteristics and qualities that enable them to do their jobs successfully. These skills of a public health consultant for effective practice include:

  1. Leadership Skills

The ability to lead others and organise information effectively is essential for public health consultants. Your customers will likely anticipate that you will quickly take responsibility if they bring in an outside expert to assist with the implementation of significant initiatives.

  1. Organizational Skills

Public health consultants may gain organisational skills. The Public health consultant may handle different programmes and increase group participation. They may be good prospects for a job in companies and non-profits.

  1. Interpersonal Skills

Last but not least, success as a public health consultant requires that you have strong interpersonal skills. Networking is an essential element of the job, and the majority of your business will likely come from recommendations made by previous customers with whom you’ve developed a positive working connection.

Public health consultant is in a position to make a meaningful influence on public health if they possess excellent analytical skills, writing talents, communication skills, and the capacity to operate in a broad variety of contexts. Additionally, they must be able to work independently.

Public Health Specialties And Their Salaries

Because public health is so broad, students and public health consultants focus on one or more specialties. The specialty can affect whether a public health professional works for a government agency, private enterprise, or as a public health consultant.

It is difficult to provide an accurate salary range for public health consultants. This is owing to some temporary factors like education level, number of years of experience, the field of expertise, and geographic region or state. The following are some public health specialties and their wages as at May 2021, as provided by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

  1. Biostatistics And Informatics

Biostatistics is the statistical analysis of health care data. Biostatisticians study population health and discover trends using models. Clinical trials, genomic projects, and geographical research strive to establish how location affects health and risk factors. Informatics focuses on monitoring and data collecting for public health promotion and prevention rather than research.

Biostatisticians are in limited supply, thus those who enter the profession should find work. Biostatisticians have good job prospects in academia, business and government.


$96,280 per year

$46.29 per hour

  1. Social And Behavioural Health

This branch of public health focuses on social impacts on population health, like other specialties. Social and behavioural health workers may emphasise how thoughts impact health. This speciality includes psychology, psychiatry, and social work. Workers might focus on weight, mental health, or drug misuse.

Behavioural health jobs should rise faster than average during the next decade. According to the BLS, social worker demand will rise by 12% by 2030. According to the BLS, mental health counsellor positions should grow by 23%. Certain states may demand extra schooling or licensure for some of these occupations.


$50,390 per year

$24.23 per hour

  1. Community Health

Community health experts look at public health more holistically than biostatisticians and informaticists. Their work entails analysing the various factors affecting a community’s or region’s health. Community health workers may take sociology, political science, and biology classes.

Students apply their expertise after graduation to help vulnerable community members and underprivileged communities. They may design wellness programmes, instructional activities, or health resources.


$48,860 per year

$23.49 per hour

  1. Minority Health Health Disparities

Minority health is another population-focused public health speciality. This field’s professionals are devoted to understanding why there is uneven access to health care and addressing it. Jobs in the sector may include improving health knowledge and distributing resources to underprivileged populations.

To enhance the health of minority groups, they must understand their social norms and overcome linguistic and cultural hurdles. These experts must frequently interact with other organisations and partners to develop a network of health care and healthy lifestyle services. Most times they are usually Public Health Nurses.


$77,600 per year

$37.31 per hour

  1. Maternal And Child Health

Maternal and child health experts focus on reproductive health, baby care, and mother and child health. It is a worldwide concern in public health, although professionals may also work domestically. Maternal and child public health degrees mix biology, sociology, and medicine. These programmes teach graduates about the socioeconomic issues impacting mothers’ health and child development. Birth outcomes and teenage mental health may be focused on.

Maternal and child health students can work in several fields. Some graduates may help women, children, and families. Others may try to improve these communities’ health through public policy. Maternal and child health workers are most typically hired by the government or non-profits.


  1. Epidemiology

Epidemiology combines biostatistics with community health. Epidemiologists track illness transmission, seek causes, and find treatments. To comprehend data, workers require a solid math and statistics background. They must also grasp the socioeconomic and educational elements that might contribute to public health hazards and build an effective response.


$77,600 per year

$37.31 per hour

  1. Global Health

Their job may encompass eliminating health inequities, improving care access, and promoting good public health policies. Global health degrees may integrate research, communication, and sociology. Global health specialists commonly work full-time for non-profit or government groups, although commercial corporations may also recruit them.


  1. Health Promotion And Communication

This specialty combines public health with public relations and emphasises communication and marketing. Schools, community groups, and the government hire health promotion professionals to promote healthy lives. Their job descriptions may include establishing wellness programmes, marketing campaigns, grant applications, and working with a team to respond to health risks or crises.


$48,860 per year

$23.49 per hour

  1. Health Policy And Management

Health policy and management professionals must understand economics, politics, management, and finance. Law, ethics, and health care may all be covered in a single course. There are several opportunities for graduates in health policy to provide universal access to medical care and consistent service levels for all populations.



Are you prepared to go on the path that will lead you to a prosperous and satisfying career as a public healthcare consultant? You will not only have the complete independence and flexibility that comes with working for yourself. You will also have the opportunity to assist individuals, organisations, and even whole communities in their efforts to lead healthier lives, all while earning an excellent salary.

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