Reasons For Postgraduate Studies

It is usually a case of choice when the issue of postgraduate studies arise. To many, it is an event of circumstance and as such, many rarely venture into it. Unlike getting a Bachelor’s degree, it requires extra discipline to get a Master’s or Ph.D. This is because so many have not sat down to analyse the top reasons for postgraduate studies and the benefits of postgraduate studies to them.

The temptation that comes with joining the labour market to at least make ends meet can at times deprive many of postgraduate studies. This is worse when an employment opportunity with nice pay pops up after graduation immediately. Most times, this deprives many of the opportunity to pursue a master’s degree which gives advanced options for career advancement.

How Many People Go for Postgraduate Studies?

Statistics have shown that for every 50 students that attended the same course for bachelors, only 5 come back immediately to pursue postgraduate studies. This is just 10% or in most cases less than 10%. This figure is also affected by so many factors such as peer influence, poverty, low motivation, ignorance and so on.

On the other hand, those who understood the reasons for postgraduate studies capitalize on every opportunity.

Reasons For Postgraduate Studies

The reasons for postgraduate studies are numerous and we list a few of these reasons for postgraduate studies below

  1. Increase your employment opportunities
  2. Specialised knowledge (Professionalism)
  3. Extend your Professional Network
  4. It Guarantees Personal development and Fulfilment
  5. Availability of Scholarships
  6. To Improve Earning

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#1. Number 1 on the Reasons For Postgraduate Studies is to Increase your employment opportunities

Job scrambling can be so fierce that you have no choice but to rely on your postgraduate certificate to compete favourably. The opportunity to advance your career or probably get a new one is one of the reasons for postgraduate studies. Postgraduate studies give you the opportunity to learn specialist knowledge, acquire specialised skills in your field which are essential for employment.

Although the need for a postgraduate certificate may not seem necessary, it gives you an edge over others with the same qualifications as you. For instance, in a job interview, that requires candidates with second-class honours (Upper division), a candidate with second-class honours (lower division) will be considered first because he/she has a masters degree. Most employers when advertising for available positions often state that a master is an advantage.

During postgraduate studies, you get advanced research skills, project management skills and leadership skills. These skills are prevalent in the crowded labour market.

#2. Specialised knowledge (Professionalism)

Unlike in Bachelors which covers a great deal of a subject, Masters degree specialises in a particular field in the subject. For instance, a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry covers all aspects of Chemistry and in most cases does not get deep into these areas. But in Masters, one gets to specialise in a particular branch of Chemistry – Physical Chemistry, Organic, Inorganic, Analytical, Polymer and so on.

On the same hand, a PhD tends to simplify it more. Someone with an M.Sc. in Inorganic Chemistry can take a speciality in either Coordination Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry or any other area in PhD.

A masters degree gives you the opportunity to some undergraduate topics deeply and at the same time contribute to knowledge in these topics.

#3. Extend your Professional Network

Networking is among the reasons for postgraduate studies. Your network of friends during your undergraduate studies formed part of your friends for life. This pattern also improves when you enrol for a postgraduate study. The benefit of your network in postgraduate studies over the undergraduate network is their maturity level.

Networking is an essential tool of studying and postgraduate studies give you room to actualise this. Meeting new people who form part of your life, be it your lecturers or colleagues is quite useful.

Networking is not only within your environment. You also get a chance to explore international study opportunities. Through your network from postgraduate study, you have chances of better job openings too. This is because, your colleagues come from various backgrounds, and so you never can tell whose contact will be added to your list.

You can as well get professional placements from your colleagues, this is one way to gain valuable insights and explore new avenues for employment and collaboration.

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#4. It Guarantees Personal development and Fulfilment

Postgraduate studies give room for individual/independent development. In the course of your research, you gain the necessary knowledge profitable for your personal development. Your motivation, confidence are built as well as your independence and managerial skills.

You also get the rare opportunity to be more passionate about achieving your life goals. This is as a result of the opportunities awaiting you at the completion of your studies. A postgraduate degree automatically pulls your resume to the next level. This opens more senior positions for you and bears testimony of your ingenuity.

#5. Availability of Scholarships

Scholarship opportunities for postgraduate studies are numerous and for this reason, people tend to pursue a postgraduate course. Most universities offer postgraduate scholarships to attract students. This is one of the reasons for postgraduate studies because PG is more expensive than undergraduate studies.

Although there are many scholarships for everybody to take advantage of and improve their career, many schools also offer scholarships to their postgraduate students. Exploring these scholarship opportunities pay as one does not know which he/she might be eligible for. These scholarships are a source of financial aid and are easy to come by especially at Ph.D. level.

#6. To Improve Earning

To some extent, this is one of the reasons for postgraduate studies if not the major reason among civil servants. They see it as an avenue for personal investment which in turn yields more earning. Financially, it costs a lot to get a Masters or any other postgraduate degree but it will pay off in salary increment.

There is no evidence to back up claims that a postgraduate degree boosts income, but certain degrees in some areas such as MBA can increase salary. It also guarantees a chance of a higher paid job.

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