Types of Financial Aid for Graduate Students

As a graduate student, obtaining financial aid for your study looks a little bit different than when you were an undergraduate student. You might be familiar with different types of financial aid for graduate students. Nevertheless, you should be aware of the differences that exist between undergraduate and postgraduate student loans, as well as the specific financial aids (Scholarships, grants, student loans, fellowships and even work-study) that are accessible to graduate students.

Graduate students have access to different types of financial aid to choose from to support their education. It is possible for you to get more than one form of financial support if you qualify. The vast majority of students receive financial assistance in the form of grants and loans.

In addition to grants and loans, there are other opportunities for students to obtain scholarships or internships. With the financial support for students, you can unknowing save money as a student.

There are a variety of financial aid opportunities available to graduate students. In addition to scholarships, grants and loans, graduate students typically fund their studies through assistantships and fellowships offered by various organisations.


What Is Financial Aid?

The term “student financial aid,” sometimes known as “student financial support” or simply “student aid,” refers to the monetary assistance that is provided to those who are pursuing their postgraduate studies. Scholarships, grants, student loans, and even work-study programmes are all different kinds of student financial support that may be available to graduate students.

Types of Financial Aid for Graduate Students

If you need help paying for graduate school or career school, you may be eligible for financial aid from the federal government, individual states, individual schools, or private organisations. Investigate your alternatives and apply to the many types of financial aid available, including those offered by the government and by private organisations. Here are the different types of financial aid available for postgraduate studies.

  • Grant
  • Fellowships
  • Assistantship
  • Scholarships
  • Loans
  • Employer tuition assistance

The financial support for graduate students may differ according to country. International students can equally get any of this financial assistance for postgraduate students in their host countries or home countries. The financial aid available at the graduate study level is one of the reasons for postgraduate studies. Continue reading for a detailed explanation of these financial aids for graduate students.

  1. Grant

Grants are monetary gifts that do not require the recipient to make a repayment. There is a wide variety of financial assistance accessible to students in the form of grants. Grants are a form of financial assistance that can be provided to students either by the government or by private organisations.

Students who demonstrate financial need, such as coming from families with little financial resources, are typically the recipients of government assistance. However, in order for students to continue to receive financial assistance from the government throughout their academic careers, they are required to maintain a certain grade point average.

Scholarships are the most common kind of private grants, and each scholarship programme has its unique set of eligibility criteria. The amount that is being provided to each person is varied and is determined by a variety of parameters. Grants are available to graduate students for a variety of purposes, including travel, research, experimentation, and projects.

  1. Fellowships

Students at the graduate and post-graduate levels can be awarded fellowships. They are comparable to grants and, like grants do not call for any sort of payback. There are a variety of entities, including private organisations and institutions, as well as the government, that are able to bestow fellowships.

There is a wide range of award amounts available for fellowships, and recipients have the option of putting their funds toward either study or research. Students have the option of receiving a stipend ranging from one to four years, with or without a financial aid package. The sort of fellowship that is given out is determined by both the applicant’s merit and the amount of financial need that they have.

There are certain educational institutions that will let you submit an application straight to them for the fellowships that they provide. However, there are certain educational institutions that would only provide fellowships to students who come highly recommended by a member of the teaching staff.

  1. Assistantships

During your time as an undergraduate, you may be eligible for assistantships, which are somewhat comparable to internships and work-study programmes. However, in order for students to be eligible for assistantships, they must typically be willing to work on campus either as graduate assistants, research assistants (RA), assistants lecturers, or in some other capacity.

The quantity of money given out through assistantships is variable and can be affected by funding from the institution’s faculty or the government. The funding for teaching roles comes from the university, but the funding for research positions comes from grants. The research and teaching roles that you have gained are in the department or subject that you are currently studying.

Research Assistants often help faculty members with laboratory work, whereas graduate assistants or assistant lecturers are typically responsible for teaching introductory-level classes. Every institution and faculty has its own set of guidelines and expectations for teaching assistants and resident tutors.

  1. Scholarships

Academic excellence and/or skill earn students scholarships. Ethnic origin, the topic of research, or financial need may also be scholarship criteria. Just like other types of financial aid for graduate studies such as grants and fellowships, scholarships are non-repayable. The scholarship amounts and duration vary. Graduate students can get a one-time payment or annual funding for a specified number of years.

School and private sources give scholarships. Merit, skill, and/or need-based scholarships are the major types of scholarships available. Ask your school for student scholarships. Organizations or corporations give private scholarships.

Some organisations recognise students based on performance or essay writing, while others search for students who meet certain criteria. Private scholarships can be found online. Visit our dedicated scholarship category for many scholarships available for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

  1. Loans

A student who demonstrates financial need may qualify for financial assistance in the form of a loan. In contrast to non-refundable student financial aid such as a grant or scholarship, loans have to be paid back to the entity that provided them. There are many distinct options to choose from when it comes to loans.

There is a wide range of variety among the various loans in terms of the maximum amount that can be borrowed, the standards that must be met, the interest rates, and the repayment plans. People who do not meet the requirements for government loans may nevertheless be able to obtain financing through private groups.

Qualifications, interest rates, and payback schedules are all determined independently by private firms. There are several financial institutions that provide college students with access to private student loans. On the other hand, it is generally accepted that private businesses have more stringent policies and charge higher borrowing rates.

  1. Employer Tuition Assistance

Recently it was found that around 63 percent of businesses provide financial aid for employees’ educational expenses as part of their compensation package. This benefit often takes the shape of tuition assistance for educational expenditures. The hired employee submits receipts to the employer for review and approval before receiving a lump sum payment once a year.

You are encouraged to enquire about the tuition aid benefit that your firm provides by contacting the human resources office. Check to see if tuition for graduate school is eligible for the deduction. You should also make sure that you have complete knowledge of any service obligations that come along with receiving tuition assistance from your employer.

Some companies demand that you continue working for the firm for a predetermined amount of time after the reimbursement money has been paid out.

See Also:


In addition to whatever savings you might have or employer-provided tuition help, graduate students have access to other sources of financial support. You must be aware of the fact that you are regarded as an independent student now that you are a graduate student. However, you should not make the mistake of assuming that there are no grants or scholarships accessible to graduate students.

It’s possible that you merely need to look for accessible resources differently, and it’s important that you grasp the additional resources that are open to you as a prospective graduate student, which we have discussed in this post – types of financial aid for graduate students.

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