How To Get An Australian Student Visa | A Step By Step Guide

Australia has in recent times become one of the top destinations for studies abroad. Students who wish to travel to study in Australia are required to have an Australian Student Visa. In this post, we are going to discuss the step by step guides on How To Get An Australian Student Visa.

Studying in Australia is an immense way to experience a unique lifestyle while gaining excellent new skills. Australia has a significant number of major world-class practical vocational colleges, universities, and outstanding English language schools available to international students. However, to become admitted fully, you will likely need to obtain Australia Student Visa.

For students who wish to go to study in Australia for a more extended period, they will need to apply for a student visa. This article will provide you with a guide that will direct you through the application process. If you are taking a short program, for instance, a language course, or a maximum of 12 weeks (84 days), you may choose to use a tourist visa instead.

For those who have a Working Holiday visa, you are allowed to study for 16 weeks (112 days), for university/college studies and all more extended programs, you will have to apply for a student visa and for those planning to stay in Australia for an extended period, an Australian Student Visa is your best starting point.

Requirements For An Australian Student Visa

In order to apply for an Australian Student Visa, there are requirements you must meet. These requirements are checked by the Department of Home Affairs and you must prove to them that you qualify for the Australian Student Visa. The requirements for an Australian Student Visa are:

  1. English Proficiency Requirements
  2. Health requirements
  3. Character Requirements
  4. Financial Requirements
  5. Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirements

#1. English Proficiency Requirements

Generally, candidates who are not from English speaking countries or whose official language is not English are required to prove that they can speak English. Candidates whose last studies were not done in the English language would be required to also provide English language proficiency.

These candidates can take any of the eligible tests to meet the English language requirements. These tests include:

  • PTE Academic
  • CAF

There are required scores you must meet for each of these exams to be considered successful in the exams.

#2. Health Requirements

This is another requirement you must meet as an applicant for an Australian student Visa. Students who are applying for an Australian Student Visa are required to carry out some medical examinations to certify they are in good health condition.

Dentistry, nursing or medical students intending to travel to Australia are at times required to take radiological check-ups. The tests are carried out at designated hospitals by designated doctors by the Australian Immigration Department.

You may click here to find approved doctors in your country by the Australian Immigrations if you have to do this check-up.

#3. Character Requirements

To get an Australian Student Visa, you must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you are of good character. Your records are taken into consideration to check if you have a criminal record. In order to meet this requirement, you are expected to get a police criminal record clearance letter. You may check the Character Statutory Declaration Form for more information on the character requirements.

#4. Financial Requirements

Students are required to provide evidence of sufficient funds to foot their travel, living cost and tuition fees. To meet the financial requirements, you must provide your account statement with a minimum of US$13,750, which is about AU$20,000. This amount should cover living costs without tuition fees.

Applicants who have children and spouses are also required to provide evidence of being able to foot their own cost of living expenses. Those who are being sponsored by their parents are also required to show evidence that they have up to US$41,000 at least to support them.

#5. Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Requirements

The GTE is an integrity assessment for all applicants for an Australian Student Visa. It is proof that your sole intention for migrating to Australia is for academic purposes only. Students who wish to seek permanent residency after their studies in Australia are not equally exempted.

The student visa applicants are required to write a personal statement where the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements are discussed. In this letter, they are expected to touch on their previous studies, current employment and so on.

After meeting these preliminary requirements, you will be required to pay the visa application fee. Another thing is you will be required to complete the Application form for the visa application. Read through for everything you need to know about how to get an Australian student Visa.

Steps To Apply For an Australian Student Visa

Apply To A School In Australia And Get A Certificate of Enrolment (CoE)

In order to apply for an Australian student visa, you ought to be enrolled at an Australian University/collegeAfter getting an offer letter from your chosen school, accept the offer and pay the tuition deposit; after doing this, the school will send you a Certificate of Enrolment (CoE).

In case you are wondering what a CoE is, it is an acknowledgement of placement to study, from an educational institute under the Commonwealth Register of Institutions of Courses (CRICOS), mainly in Australia. The CoE has a code you will enter within one of the steps in the online student visa application. That means you will need this document to begin your visa application.

If you will go for several programs, you must first take a preparatory language course and then study at college; a CoE will be required for each program.

Read also: Graduate Programs that do not require a GRE Test Score in Australia

Create An Account With The Australian Immigration Authorities

You can easily apply online for Australian Student visas. Before starting your visa application process, you are expected to create an account through the Australian online immigration portal.

You will have to submit your name, phone number, and e-mail address when creating an account. Then you have to create a password and accept their terms and conditions.

Required Documents For Australian Student Visa Application

Students who are applying for an Australian Student Visa are required to submit the necessary documents to facilitate their acceptance. The following documents are required for submission.

  • Completed Australian Student Visa Application Form (also known as 157A)
  • English Language Proficiency test results
  • Evidence of sufficient funds (most times a bank statement of account can suffix)
  • Proof of health insurance cover
  • Four recent passport photographs
  • Letter of offer of admission or Certificate of Enrolment (CoE)
  • Proof of Visa Application Fee payment (which is around US$450)
  • Proof of good character (criminal record check results)
  • Copy of International Passport biodata page (at times, the passport may be asked to be presented physically)

NB: Ensure That You Have All The Required Documents In Digital Format

If you still want to access an updated list of the document, click here and scroll down to the Document Checklist Tool. You will have to fill in your nationality and school to get a comprehensive list of necessary documents.

If you apply online, you will have to upload your documents in a digital format. Therefore, ensure you have access to a scanner during the process of your application, or you can scan everything in advance. When necessary, ensure all documents have been translated into English by a certified translator.

You can always save your application and continue later in case you miss some documents or you have something else to do.

Process The Visa Application Online

You should apply for a student visa subclass five hundred (500). The process of this visa application can be done within124 days before your course starts (in line with the date on your CoE).

On the first page of the visa form, you will have to fill in your nationality and your CoE code(s).

You must also pick your Education sector, for example, ELICOS for language courses or Higher Education for courses that result in a university degree. Extra information is available on the form for you.

After you have completed the form, you will be notified to submit some information such as personal details, family details, prior educational details, work experience details, health details, and criminal record.

When you get to this point, you can save your application to continue later.

Pay The Visa Fee And Get A TRN-Number

As soon as you have completed the application, you should pay the application fee, which is currently 550 AUD. The best way to make a payment is by using a credit card online.

When you have done the application and payment, you will be given a receipt with a Transaction Reference Number (TRN-number). Ensure to save the Reference Number; you will use it to track your application status.

Health Check-Up And Interview

Depending on your place of study and residence, you will be required to undergo a health check-up and/or a visa interview.

If it applies to you, this information will be sent to your e-mail after you must have completed the application.

Do not undergo the health check-up before completing your application form; this is because you will have to use your Transaction Reference Number (TRN-number). Also, you will get instructions on what you are required to check.

Obtain Your Visa Decision

The time it takes to get your visa decision is dependent on the location you apply from and how busy the Australian Immigrations are during the period of your application.

Usually, you should obtain your decision within a space of one (1) or a couple of weeks after you have completed your application.

To check the status of your application, simply log in to the Australian immigration portal (that is, the account you have created). If required, enter your Transaction Reference Number (TRN-number).

Usually, you will get a notification by e-mail from the Australian authorities as soon as your visa decision is ready.

Kindly note that your visa is electronic, so if you want physical proof, you can print the grant letter you have received online immediately after your visa is approved.

See Top 10 Reasons Why Your Australian Student Visa Was Rejected

Travel to Australia

As soon as you have been granted your visa, then you are guaranteed to study in Australia. You can enter Australia as early as 90 days before the course start date on your Certificate of Enrolment (CoE).

If you have not booked any accommodation through your school, you should inform them of your address in Australia within seven (7) days of your arrival in Australia.

You have the right to stay in Australia for thirty (30) days after you are done with your course or sixty (60) days if your course exceeds ten (10) months.

All these date limits ought to be indicated on your visa. If the information here differs from what you see on your visa, you should always follow the instructions on your visa.

Remember that the Australian authorities can change their visa application process at any time. Different rules can apply to different nationalities; therefore, always ensure you comply with the instructions from the immigration authorities.


The detailed information here seems accurate to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, we cannot be held responsible if any errors might occur. You may choose to hire a professional, who will be available to guide you on the process with the application to any Universities/colleges in Australia, or you may choose to do it yourself.

No matter what you have chosen to do, you can still research further online to stay updated with the process.

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