Best Countries for Medical Studies

”Health is wealth,” they say and to maintain a good health condition, health practitioners must be properly trained and adequately equipped. On this note, we look at the best countries for medical studies. If you are a high school leaver or going to graduate from high school sooner and wish to study medicine at the university, then read through.

The study of medicine has always been one of the first choices students make when choosing what to study at the university. Many times, these students are faced with difficulties choosing the best places to study medicine. If you have had this difficulty in the past, then we intend to solve the riddle in this post.

It is crucial to assess whether or not you will be satisfied while studying medicine abroad. This is in connection with the challenges that come with studying medicine abroad. The long study hours you will be required to put in. The clinical requirements and what have you. All these are what you have to consider because it is a long-term commitment that you will be making.

7 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Medical School Abroad

When trying to determine which nation offers the most advantageous conditions for medical education, there are a lot of different factors to take into account. Because the circumstances of each individual are unique, the optimal nation for one person could not be the optimal nation for another person.

Having said so, there are a few broad considerations that may be taken into account while concluding this matter. Below are the top 7 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Medical School Abroad.

  1. Cost Of Tuition

This is the total of school fees to be paid per semester or session for the periods of study. In some cases, it is advised to check what it will cost in total for the entire duration of the medical studies. In some countries or states, the cost of attending medical school can be quite high. While in certain other countries, the price may be more reasonable.

It is perceived that India is one of the cheapest countries, if not the cheapest to study medicine. So you may consider India as the best country to study medicine if you are making a choice based on the cost of tuition. It is essential that you give some thought to how much money you can put toward your education.

  1. Quality Of Medical Schools

This is a major factor to look at when choosing a country to study medicine. The quality of medical schools in a country gives you options to choose from. Hence making sure you have the best form of education. Some countries do not have sufficient medical schools of note on the global stage, in contrast to others.

It is essential to carry out adequate study and check that the education you are receiving is of a sufficient standard. If you are looking for the best country to study medicine based on the quality of medical schools in that country, then America should be seen as the best country for you.

  1. Language Of Instruction

Whether English, French, Italian, German, or Portuguese whatever language you wish to practice with, then consider visiting the countries that have it as their official language. This is because the language of instruction determines to a greater extent the level of understanding of a course.

If you do not already speak the native tongue of the country in which you plan to study medicine, you will need to confirm that the medical school of your choice provides instruction in the language of your choice.

  1. Cost Of Living

This has to do with the expected expenses you will be required to foot regularly as you study. It includes feeding, clothing, utilities, transportation, housing and so on. The city in which you live has a factor to play in this aspect. In the cities, it is expected that the cost of living is higher compared to living in the outskirts.

  1. Availability Of Grants/Scholarships

Most students who study in some countries do so because they got fully-funded scholarships. scholarships and grants are various forms of financial aid students enjoy to successfully carry out their studies. When looking for the best countries to study medicine, please consider schools or governments with scholarships to offer.

  1. Availability/Accessibility Of Study Materials

Study materials availability is one thing, accessing them appropriately is another thing. To consider the country to study medicine, you need to put into account the availability of study aids such as libraries for research, laboratories for practicals, teaching hospitals etc.

  1. Student Work Hour

In most countries, medical students are not allowed to work. This is not just peculiar to studying medicine only. Some countries do not allow students to work while studying while some do but with strictness to the required hours of work, students are allowed. If you are considering sponsoring yourself during your studies, then you may have a rethink the countries or schools to go to.

Related: How To Choose The Right College | Factors To Consider

Top 10 Best Countries To Study Medicine

Having looked at 7 factors to consider when choosing a medical school abroad, we then rank the top countries to study medicine abroad. Bear in mind that there is no distinct order for this arrangement.

  1. United States of America (USA)


Best Countries for Medical Studies --- USA

Of the countries in the world, the USA tops the list of the best countries to study medicine. This is because it has some of the best facilities you can think of – top medical colleges, top research institutes and so on. As a consequence of this, graduates of medical schools in the United States have the opportunity to develop their talents at institutions of an international calibre such as the Mayo Clinic or the Cleveland Clinic.

Most of the top universities in the USA have been constantly ranked among the best in the world by the QS Top Universities ranking. Universities like Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, UCLA, and Yale are among the top ten universities in the world. Also included on this list is UC San Francisco.

Harvard University and other American medical schools place a strong emphasis on the significance of research. They train their students to be more than simply great clinicians; in addition, they educate them to be expert researchers.

Related: Top Medical Schools In The US

  1. India

One of the most common destinations for students from other countries who are interested in studying medicine is India. India houses over 2000 international students studying medicine in various medical schools in India. This is because medical colleges in India are not overly expensive. For instance, the annual tuition at public medical schools may not exceed $10,000 if you attend one of these schools. Another reason is the time it takes to earn a medical degree is also cut down in India. It just takes 5.5 years to get your medical degree (MBBS).

  1. Ukraine

Best Countries for Medical Studies - Ukraine

Recently, Ukraine has become the favourite country for students who wish to study medicine abroad. In Ukraine, the cost of tuition is relatively as low as in India when compared to the United States. The majority of the medical schools in Ukraine provide English-language programmes. Additionally, the cost of living in Ukraine is significantly lower when compared to that of the EU.

Some of the best medical schools in Ukraine include; V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Dnipro Medical Institute and the Kharkiv National Medical University. Students from other countries are welcome to enrol in any of Ukraine’s numerous prestigious medical institutions. The degrees that are awarded by these medical institutions are recognised throughout Europe.

  1. Sweden

Best Countries for Medical Studies - Sweden

Sweden is often regarded as one of the top nations in which students may pursue medical education. It has hospitals of world-class standards where one may train and eventually specialise. Because of this, it is home to some of the most prestigious medical schools in the world such as the Karolinska Institute, Lund University and Uppsala University.

Just as we listed in the factors to consider when choosing a medical school above, studying in Sweden comes with its main challenge – the language of instruction.

You may have to spend time learning how to communicate effectively in Swedish to be able to study in Sweden. Apart from this, you have nothing else to worry about as Sweden has top-ranked medical schools, the duration of the program is relatively shorter and has renowned hospitals.

  1. England


There is no doubt that the United Kingdom is home to a number of the very top medical schools in the whole globe. However, this excellence does not come without a price. First, there is the expense involved, since the United Kingdom is one of the costliest countries to study medicine abroad. Although there are scholarship opportunities for international students to study in England.

Medical schools in the United Kingdom are rapidly catching up to their counterparts in the United States. Many of them, like those of Oxford and Cambridge, are consistently ranked among the very finest in the world. It takes a shorter amount of time to graduate from medical school in the United Kingdom as compared to the majority of western countries.

Here, all that is required of you is to complete a three-year undergraduate programme, after which you must complete another three years of medical school.

  1. Germany


If you wish to study medicine anywhere other than in North America, one of your best alternatives may be to enrol in a medical programme in Germany that is taught in English. Because of Germany’s long-standing relationships with universities in the United States and Canada, many programmes that allow students to study abroad will accept credits earned in Germany. Germany also has some of the best business schools in the world.

In some cases, it is even possible to graduate from a German medical school without ever setting foot inside a classroom in the United States or Canada! If you want to go ahead in your future job chances, one of the finest things you can do is study medicine in Germany because of its stellar reputation for turning out top-tier researchers and medical professionals.

  1. Canada

Aspiring medical professionals have the opportunity to get experience and hone their expertise at some of the finest facilities in Canada, such as the Hospital for Sick Children and the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, amongst a great many more. The curriculum at medical schools in Canada is one of a kind and consists of four years: two years are spent on pre-clinical studies, while the other two years are spent on clinical rotations.

Students who meet the requirements can also pursue dual degrees, such as the ones that are available at the University of Toronto. A Doctor of Medicine degree can be earned in conjunction with a Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Engineering, or Master of Science degree at this institution.

We have listed Canada in the list of the best countries for medical studies because it offers distinguished Medical Schools, Dual Degree Programs, World-Class Hospitals, and a Primary Focus on Research

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  1. Holland

The medical curriculum in the Netherlands is organised and presented at a different time from that in the United Kingdom. It will be quite challenging for you to relocate between the two nations while you are still enrolled in school because students in both countries are taught in different methods.

Generally, there are three primary stages involved in the process of becoming a general practitioner physician in the Netherlands: a Bachelor of Science in Medicine (MBBS) (3 years), an M.Sc. in medicine (3 more years) and one year of training.

  1. Australia

Best Countries for Medical Studies

One of the top places in the world to get a medical education is Australia. Students who are interested in studying medicine and becoming doctors can participate in a shortened curriculum that lasts for between two and three years.

The Students have the opportunity to reduce the amount of money they spend on tuition, increase their practical experience in a clinical environment, and yet graduate with their medical degrees in the standard amount of time.

  1. Russia

The reason why students often choose to pursue their medical education in Russia is due to the country’s more affordable tuition rates. Students in nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States are unable to even pay the cost of tuition, let alone housing, international fees, textbooks, or any of the other associated costs.

In the meanwhile, students in Russia may attend medical schools of international reputation for tuition costs as little as $5,000 per academic year. There are many universities in Russia that provide medical degrees that are taught in English. In addition to providing English lessons and programmes for students of all levels, Russia also provides PhD degree programmes that are of high educational quality and are easily accessible.


In summary, studying medicine abroad comes with its challenges such as making the right choice. The choice of a country to study or live in as a medical student is dependent on the factors listed above. Having said this, this post was meant to help you narrow down your choices and give you the best places to study medicine.

I really hope that you found both the information and the insights contained in this post on the Top 10 Best Countries To Study Medicine helpful. You can share with your friends too to help them.


What is the cheapest country to study medicine?

India may have the cheapest medical school fees. Cheap inflation in India helps to lower living and schooling costs. In India, products and services cost less than in the U.S. Your currency’s value will also rise in India, which is good news for overseas students.

Which country is the best for medical studies?

The United States is the top for medical school. This country has top-ranked medical institutes and the best academics and researchers in medicine. In addition to a high-quality education, graduates are typically trained in top-class medical facilities to refine their practical abilities. This sort of learning environment provides them with real-life internship experience, which boosts their future job market value.

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