Cyber Security or Cyber Resilience: The New Trend For Businesses

In recent times, going to the office for work is no longer compulsory as facilities to facilitate work to be done from anywhere are made available. Works are currently done from various devices, and networks. This means you can now work from anywhere, anytime, any day and get the same quality of work done.

These improvements have also come with so many risk factors than ever before. Cyber-attacks have increased and to a larger extent, malware, phishing, cryptovirus/ransomware attacks are now prominent. Other forms of cyber frauds have also emerged and have caused problems not only to individuals but businesses, government and economies. This is why we ask, “cyber security or cyber resilience”?

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security deals with the various methods of protecting the computer systems and computer networks from information disclosure, theft or damage of the computer hardware, software (programs) or electronic data and at the same time from unwanted break or inappropriate direction of services rendered by these systems.

It is a significant and rapidly increasing area of information technology/computer science. This random increase in interest in cyber security has not only led to people studying cyber security but also advanced studies. Recently, cybersecurity has also turned out to pose significant changes in the world as a result of its complex nature.

Cybersecurity became an area of interest in the late 90s and early 2000 as a result of the increased cyber threats.

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What is Cyber Resilience?

Cyber Resilience is a term used to describe an organization’s ability to steadily deliver the intended outcome, even in the face of challenging cyber events/threats. Just like cybersecurity, cyber resilience is gradually taking the world by storm. It comprises both information security, business continuity and organizational resilience.

Cyber resilience is mostly used in Information Technology Systems, Business Processes, Critical Infrastructure, organizations and government entities. There are also some negative cyber events that account for the breach in availability, integrity or privacy of computer networks and related services. In some cases, these negative cyber events may be as a result of cyber-attacks or software malfunctioning. Which in turn are caused naturally or humanly or at times by both.

The key objective of cyber resilience is to ensure that the concerned organization’s ability to render the intended result (outcome) steadily is maintained at all times. This must be achieved irrespective of system failure or attacks. Cyber resilience also focuses on the ability of the organization to restore and recover data loss during breaches. These can be achieved through backups and disaster recovery.

Similarities Between Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience

Cyber security and cyber resilience are at times used interchangeably. Apart from just the word “cyber”, they are both forms of protection against cyber threats. Cyber resilience keeps the organization abreast with continuity in cyber security. Where cyber security fails to ward off cyber threats, cyber resilience is employed to steadily checkmate cyber threats.

Cyber security and Cyber resilience work hand in hand to ensure the security of networks. Just as cyber security ensures a quick fix, cyber resilience advocates for a continuous and steady fix. When compared to cyber security, cyber resilience requires that businesses think in different ways and be more productive in shielding attacks. They become proactive.

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Difference Between Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience

Cyber security is about reacting while cyber resilience is about anticipating. Cyber security is about technologies and processes designed to shield computer systems, computer networks and data from cybercrimes/threats. When proper cyber security measures are ensured, the risk of cyber-attacks is minimal. This way, organizations and firms are protected from possible exploitation of systems and networks.

Cyber resilience helps businesses and organizations to foresee hackers’ activities and be informed about the possible threats they pose with the availability of innovative tools they use. This way they get prepared and prevent, respond and successfully defend themselves against these attacks. In cyber resilience, organizations and firms see security as a full-time task and provide security best practices to defend their networks and systems.

Why Should Businesses Switch to Cyber Resilience?

Cyber resilience deals with the cyber security basics and it involves patching vulnerabilities detecting and curbing threats continuously. It also involves teaching the employees the necessary steps to protect the organization/company from cyber-attacks. This is a continuous process and does not end at a time.

Building resilience in all aspects of the business is the primary duty of every organization/business. Hence the business needs to counter and limit various harmful impacts of cybercrime by adopting trending resilience approaches. Significant areas such as finance and brand reputation are to be focused on while making necessary security adoptions.

In the absence of a measuring pattern for cyber resilience, it has become difficult to state whether there is progress or not. Since the business aims to ensure that there is continuity in operations at little or minimal cost, then cyber resilience ensures that. In order to ensure that customers’ trust is maintained, a certain level of authority must be maintained over attacks.

Cyber resilience helps businesses not just recover from cyber-attacks but recover quickly and in time. In the light of other tools that allow businesses to measure their capabilities such as supply chain, data management etc., the inability to measure cyber resilience poses no threat. With a flexible and continuously improving cyber resilience approach, then there is headway to a successful business enterprise.

Designing an approach to keep the business owners and administrators aware of what cyber resilience is all about and the best possible methods to achieve it should be the assignment for cyber engineers. In this way, cyber resilience would be achieved. To ensure that there is real cyber resilience, the business should build a multi-stream of techniques to respond to threats and at the same time keep the business going.

In a publication on research gate, cyber security when combined with cyber resilience opens a new perspective towards better overall security of the Information Technology System. The full publication titled improving “cyber security with cyber resilience” by Dejan Škanata can be seen here.


Cyber resilience provides leadership with confidence and equips the business with technical know-how in order to prepare for the worst. Not only does it provide the business with the ability to prepare for the worst, but it also assures the business that they can deliver in the worst situations. It is also worthy to note that there is no perfect cyber security method. This is what cyber resilience is all about.

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