What is Cyber Security | Why You Should Study Cyber Security

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security deals with the various methods of protecting the computer systems and computer networks from information disclosure, theft or damage of the computer hardware, software (programs) or electronic data and at the same time from unwanted breaks or inappropriate direction of services rendered by these systems.

It is a significant and rapidly increasing area of information technology/computer science. This random increase in interest in cyber security has not only led to people studying cyber security but also advanced studies. Recently, cybersecurity has also turned out to pose significant changes in the world as a result of its complex nature.

Cyber Security became an area of interest in the late 90s and early 2000 as a result of the increased cyber threats.

Reasons Why You Should Study Cyber Security

Studying Cyber security will teach you the basic techniques to protect a computer system (computer operating systems, computer network) and data from cyber-attacks. Not only will it teach you how to protect a computer network, but it also prepares you to be able to monitor systems to ward off threats. In summary, the following are reasons why you should study cyber security.

  1. The Worlds Network Connectivity Is Growing
  2. There Are Many Areas Of Specialties
  3. Cyber Security Offers Job Security
  4. There Is High Demand Of Cyber Security Personnels/Jobs
  5. Studying Cybersecurity Guarantees High Salary
  6. It Gives You An Edge In Solving Complex Problems
  7. It Is A Stimulating Job

1. The Worlds Network Connectivity Is Growing

The rate at which everything is going digital in the world today means that more and more people tend to connect. Thereby forming a network and this does not seem to be ending in the nearest future. This also implies that more organisations are switching to the digital economy.

Many households objects are made with the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and these objects are to be managed by individuals who are experienced in this field. This is a very good reason why you should study cyber security. As every work is currently turning into internet work, this is connectivity, and hackers will always seek to take advantage of the situation. Hence there is a job on the ground for you and that’s why you should study cyber security.

  1. There Are Many Areas of Specialties

In the past, cyber security used to be a part of Information Technology and this meant that most of the work is done as IT works. However, in recent times, people can now study cyber security as a study program alone. This means it has become a separate department on its own in many schools.

Because of the recent developments, cyber security has created many specialties and a variety of roles. Some of these specialties include:

  • Engineering
  • Governance
  • Forensics
  • Computer Architecture
  • Risk management
  • Compliance
  • eDiscovery etc.

With these specialties, studying cyber security is less challenging because you have more options to choose from and make a difference. This is another reason to study cyber security.

See; Sample Statement Of Purpose SOP For Cyber Security

  1. Cyber Security Offers Job Security

The most important time to join the cyber security world is now. This is because cyber security ensures job security. With the outpour of more cyber threats and attacks, the demand for cyber security professionals doesn’t seem to be declining anytime soon. This is to say that more and more people with cybersecurity certifications are employed regularly, hence job security is guaranteed.

  1. There Is High Demand Of Cyber Security Personnel

According to Steve Morgan of Forbes, there would be 1,000,000 cyber security jobs openings by the year 2016. Now looking at these statistics as of 2016, what do you think would happen this year? Well, your guess is as good as mine, it is expected to rise to 1.8million by 2022. As this is happening, employees are given tempting offers to leave their current jobs by other companies. Hence, there is an increasing demand for persons with a cybersecurity degree.

The demand for Cyber Security personnel will increase by 28% by the year 2026, this is according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics. This indicates an overwhelming increase compared to what we have today already. The high increase is an indication that most jobs in recent times have become automated. Accordingly, cybersecurity professionals are needed to curb this menace.

  1. Studying Cybersecurity Guarantees High Salary

Of all the reasons to study cyber security, this is the major reason why many choose to study cyber security. The rate of cyber-attacks is currently at its peak, hence businesses pay a lot of money to keep their business afloat. This is done to ensure the safety of these businesses’ information and data.

So, to study cybersecurity means you can earn a high salary. Many businesses invest a lot more into cyber security and with this, cybersecurity salaries are way beyond average. This includes entry-level jobs salaries.

Here is a list of the top five IT security salaries, according to the tech job board DICE

  1. Lead software security engineer – $233,333
  2. Chief security officer – $225,000
  3. Global information security director -$200,000
  4. Chief information security officer – $192,500
  5. Director of security – $178,333


  1. It Gives You An Edge In Solving Complex Problems

The duty of a Cyber Security professional is such that requires critical thinking. Being able to make quick thoughts and solve problems immediately is one good reason to study cyber security. By studying cyber security, you will learn how to hack a system, protect it from cyber-attacks and also how to make it safer. Therefore Cyber security personnel is faced with two difficult puzzles at all times. These puzzles are; you have to figure out

  1. How to hack (break-in) into the system and also
  2. How to prevent that from happening.

By being able to solve these two puzzles, you are solving the major complex problems in cyber security. There is no doubt you will make a good cyber security professional if you enjoy finding out about logical and technical problems. This is a good reason for you to study cyber security especially when you also find satisfactory solutions to these problems.

  1. It Is A Stimulating Job

Another good reason why you should study cyber security is that it is flexible and not rigid. It brings about new developments each day with the workdays different from each other. This means you have to decide to learn and get dedicated to meeting up with the constant changes.

What Will You Study During A Cyber Security Degree?

As of today, the design of cyber security program curricula by different universities is still ongoing. The best approaches for the degree, study plan and courses as well have not been planned out completely. This is due to the dynamic nature of cyber security. Different study programs, as well as curricula in cyber security, keep emanating from different universities.

In the year, 2014, the National Security Agency NSA listed some courses that must be included in Information Technology Security degrees. These courses include:

  • Introduction to Cryptography
  • Fundamental Security Design Principles
  • Information Technology Systems Components
  • Cyber Defense
  • Policy, Legal, Ethics, and Compliance
  • System Administration
  • Networking Concepts
  • Basic Data Analysis
  • Cyber Threats
  • Information Assurance Fundamentals
  • Introductory Programming (Basic Scripting)


Studying Cyber security has become very necessary as a result of the various cyber-attacks encountered in cyberspace regularly. The need for cyber security professionals is increasing on a daily basis and studying cyber security can be good means of livelihood. If you have been looking for a cyber career, then there is no better opportunity than this.

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